
How many more Nations will the US go to War with?

by  |  earlier

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The list keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger, soon the US will be at war with the whole world. Perhaps its good that Russia has finaly put a stop to their stupidity and neocon ways else the US will have no money left for anything else, oops forgot about the multi trillion debt they already have. At this rate the US will be wanting to fight the universe and little green men too. GO USA!




  1. hey that's cool, you answered your own question.  

  2. You think that Bush is sitting on his brains too, hey? lol.

  3. Yes because we are Warmongers right?

    We only go to war with the nations that present a threat to us or present a threat to the world. Think about it, has the United States ever started a World War? Or did it help put an end to them?

  4. I think the U.S.A. will go to war with as many nations as it takes to bring about world peace.  We are a world power and as such the responsibility falls on us to govern.  Weaker nations, such as Georgia, will always look to us for support.  As far as money goes; war is always good for business.  That's what Viet Nam was about and, if little green men come here looking for trouble, I'm quite sure we won't be the only nation at war with them.

  5. Why must you be so biased?

    I like your overt criticism of the US. Haha. I can tell that you are not an American, or if you are, you are a liberal. After all, what would you have done after watching 3000 of your own innocent civilians die in a horrible way? The US has received nothing but hatred for how it has acted. Why? Everyone seems to have forgotten 9/11-And shouldn't every nation have a right to avenge itself? Or, should the US have done nothing, just sat there on its laurels. Furthermore, how has the former USSR "stood up" to the US?

    But I digress.

    This was not even a question, was it?

    You just wanted to proclaim your own thoughts, not hear anyone else's. If you had been interested in learning and expanding your knowledge base, you would have been more open to opposing viewpoints, and actually asked a question, rather than issue a statement.

    Please. The purpose of Answers is to help answer questions. It is not a place to further one's own political views.

    Thank you for wasting our time.

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