
How many more days will the news show the kiteboarder in the hurricane? I don't care about him!?

by  |  earlier

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That video of the kiteboarder being picked up and flailed around by the wind. This is at least the third day in a row the idiotic media is showing this.

I can't even believe they'd show something so stupid at all, let alone bombard us with it for 3 days. This getting to be about as bad as the Rodney King beating.

Don't they have enough news to report? What is wrong with them? This is so boring and meaningless, yet they think that it's so fascinating that people are going to be interested for days. How many more days is this ridiculous thing going to continue and why are they doing it? Are they really that stupid?




  1. Are they still talking about it? It doesn't surprise me. I can't stand all of the fluff on the news. They did another story of some kid getting attacked by an alligator. I just changed the channel because I've heard enough alligator stories. Move on. Don't get me started about celeb news.   Obviously the media is trying to distract us from the very important issues of the day.  

  2. haha i never saw it! i dnt watch tv, but sounds kinda funny.

  3. I think that someone that hangs on to a kite, goes up in the air GETS THE CHANCE TO GET BACK ON THE GROUND and does NOT let go of the kite, must be VERY idiotic.

    Hes trying to win a darwin award.

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