
How many more people have to be murdered in the UK for something to be done about it?

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what would you like to see happen?




  1. No one has to be murdered.  The problem is that our governments (both US and UK) actually don't have time to concern themselves with citizens being blasted.  I live in a US city where someone is murdered every day.  That's 365 people a year.  They've put up gunshot sensors, increased patrols, and still an average of 1 person is shot and killed a day.  

    As long as the "right to bear arms" is written into our constitution, this is going to happen.  I did think that in the UK guns are banned unless they are hunting weapons or police weapons.  

    Now, I have to say that as a single mother, I had a handgun.  I still have the gun but with a trigger lock that I can't open because I can't find the key.  

    I'd like to see guns outlawed in the US unless they are hunting equipment.  (I also like wild animals so I'd like to see those banned as well, but the hunters might be more apt to agree to disposing the others if they can keep theirs.)  I don't see this happening.  I also don't see how it would help.  In my opinion, as long as there is a criminal element that can purchase guns to resell, the problem will not go away.

    Please note:  Any opinions I have expressed here are my own.

  2. Technology News-

  3. Capital punishment for heinous murder its the only solution

  4. To Bernie 17



    Quit blaming an inanimate object because liberals like you keep letting the prisoner out on the street.

    When a mass murderer is arrested, look at his arrest record. In 99% of the time you will find he was convicted and sent to jail many times and has got out early on every charge. When some one is given 20 years and is let out after less than 5 years, the message sent to that person is go ahead and do it again. We know you have a problem.

    This applies to all crime. In my neighborhood we were waiting for a trial to come up where the criminal pulled a woman out of her car and took her car and purse.

    This career criminal has alreay been in prison for car theft, armed robery and B&E eight times and got out early every time. Now he actually hurt a woman in the commission of a crime.

    We were hopping he would get 20 more years but his lawyer worked a deal with the prosocutor. In exchange for  a guilty plea, he was given 3 years time and 3 years probation. And I bet he will be out in less than two.

    How long do you think it will take this fine upstanding man to work his way up to murder. He is 29 years old and in his career he has already been sentanced to over 45 years. Yet he was still on the street.

    Keep this in mind, except fo an occasional deer, 69 million gun owners did not shoot anyone last year.

    When a crimal is sentanced to 20 years that means 20 years. Not 3 years and 6 months of probation. And here is a kicker for you.Do you know some one (even murderers)  given life are elgible for parole after 7 years.

    Fix the system.


  5. It's not just about numbers,it's about class.If the children of the upper classes were the main victims,you can be sure something would be done.No-one gives a d**n about the common herd.

  6. Is there a prize if I get the correct answer? How about 5? To be serious 'though, it's time capital punishment was brought back.

  7. "Hey Bernie, your on the wrong side of the river...."

    Recent ruling by the US Supreme Court verifies that the founding fathers felt the need for self protection which includes the right to 'Keep and bear arms.'

    Now that we understand that outlawing an object isn't going to help...Notice that US Cities in violation of the 2nd Amendment have the HIGHEST DEATH RATE FROM FIREARMS....We also must make note that today's system of justice has also failed to protect us. Rehabilitation was not the original intent of incarceration. The original intent was to PUNISH VIOLATORS of the LAW.We need to return to that system of incarceration.

    You could also conclude that the founding father did not intend for the populous to rely totally on the government for protection from everyday thugs. The intent of the 2nd amendment was to use the weapon in the protection of self, family and property. I suggest we do just that and call the 'police' to take a report on the shooting of a criminal and the removal of the carcass.

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