
How many more years is it before petroleum ceases to.?

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Is a car invented yet to take the place ov pollution makers.Has anyony invented an electric car or a car that operates from solar power.




  1. Even better than that, the University of Nebraska has a fuel cell powered car. If you can get a copy of the magazine, such as at a library, QST from the Amateur Radio Radio Relay League has an article in their May issue about this car.

    Based on unconfirmed information, it appears that the Colorado area is sitting on top of a oil region that could very well exceed the reserves in Saudi Arabia.

  2. ----------

    Practical electric cars are indeed here. Much battery research has been done, and is being done. Here is the newest electric car for sale:



    The Phoenix electric pickup truck - using new, advanced Altairnano batteries (based on research from MIT) - can:

    -Travel up to 250 miles per charge

    -Carry 5 passengers plus cargo at 95mph.

    -Charges batteries in as little as TEN MINUTES.

    -Has batteries that last 250,000 miles (never need replacement.)


    Yes indeed, it is a real car, being built right now for fleet use. PG&E is one of the customers. It's not alone either. There's the Tesla electric sports car:



    The Tesla can out-accelerate a Ferrari, and does nearly 250 miles per charge.


    And if you want to get your 'feet wet' in electric vehicles, here's how to find an EV for as little as $5000:



    Any EV can be solar powered, with the addition of a small solar panel for charging.


    Also check out the above link for info on how cheap it is to drive on electricity, and how several well-to-wheels studies show how much less pollution EVs create over their lifetimes.


  3. oh, and then some:

    its very doable. just expensive. for now.

  4. Many have been designed and built.  None have proven practical.

    BTW, have you ever looked into the manufacture of solar cells?  They're not as "clean" as you think.

  5. Depends on how soon China and India plan on paving their countries.  

    That is basically 2.3 billion or more people that are not driving.  

    China is building more roads as we speak, and they are buying more cars.

    It'll still be a long, stinking time.

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