
How many more years we have until nature destroy us due to Global Warming?

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  1. possible ways we could DIE

    1. The myans believe in 2012 that the earth will make a shift in roation and we'll all die.

    2. Scientists believe in 2039 a meteor will strike the earth and kill us all ( another dinosaur extinction in the making )

    3. the adramada galaxy will suck us all up and we'll be RIPPED up

    4. The sun will burn out or tur into a black hole

    5. Sun turns into red giant kill mecrury and venus we'll barely escape turning us and mars into outer planets

    6. something about three times the mass of the sun will trigger the supermassive black hole in the center of the milky way and we'll all get sucked up and die

  2. Well since the ice caps are GROWING and our whole earth has been gradually cooling since the 80's I think you can probably find something else to keep you up and night.

  3. we have about 4 billion years until the sun implodes, or explodes.

    no sun=no life on earth.

    have you ever thought about this?

    maybe we are destroying nature?

  4. if we continue on this path of destroying our planet not much longer

  5. there is NO GLOBAL WARMING there isn't any proof of it so there is a couple glaciers melting that the democrats and the tree huggers keep talking about but they never talk about the 20+ growing over there

  6. I'm more afraid of lingering in a world we do not even want to live in because we have trashed it so bad. I think the movie WALL-E gives a good idea of what (wo)mankind and his/her consumptive based lifestyles can do to a planet.

    I have heard as little as 100 years but I think that far fetched. We could burn enough fossil fuels to live like we are on mars for probably near a millennium.  

    What is most likely to happen if humans don't have a paradigm shift concerning the environment is that things will get so bad only the very rich will be able to survive. We will have mass starvation and deaths due to other "natural" catastrophes so large that there will be a major decrease in the population, so much so even the rich will be in danger because there will be no one to do the work for them. At this point humans will be so reduced that the world may have a chance to heal and (wo)mankind can enter a new age.

    I believe there have many civilizations before us, each one being destroyed by their folly. The real question is not will we be extinct in the near future but will we learn from past mistakes to avoid repeating history.

    As far as extinction I believe eventually this will happen too. As David Suzuki 99.9999 percent of all existing species in the past have gone extinct. In other words what makes us think we're so special as to avoid this fate. Another good question to ask is is this going to be sooner or later. That my friend is in part up to us.

    Thanks for asking such an important question.

  7. It won't  happen. Sure, AGW is real and will have effects which will result in extinctions of plants and  animals. However, humans are resilient and can live in a degraded dump. Point is, do we want to trash the place?

  8. What are they teaching you people in school--- given a 1 degree temp rise and a 1 ft sea rise --- nothing much will happen---  actually you should be concerned more about a gamma ray burst from a nearby star irradiating the Earth-- probably a more likely scenario for our destruction.

    Here let me give you something to actually worry about.

  9. Global Warming is not a Doomsday  Prophesy  it is a wake up call.  The first thing we need to do is help make some changes in our national mind set from one that lets us believe that our earth can recover from anything, to one that lets us believe that our earth could use a little help.

    Developing cleaner ways to produce electricity is not going to hurt a thing, if it doe’s nothing but make the air we breathe cleaner it works for me.

    Developing  alternative fuels to power our transportation needs , again won’t hurt a thing, reduce the demand for oil you reduce the price we pay  for it, I think everyone can say “that works for me” to this.

    In our everyday life one of  best ways  to help focus your mind set  in the right direction is to say to yourself each morning, “Today I will do no harm to the earth” I do this it works, I find myself doing little things that in the long run enriches my life, again it don’t hurt a thing.

    I could go on about this all day but I won’t. I’m a global warming  advocate but, not because of some unfounded fear of  Doomsday but (as you may have guessed by now) because it won’t hurt a thing to help our earth recover from  years of  industrial plunder.

  10. personally i dont believe in the political bullshit that al gore is saying cause he actually came up with the theory of global warming and global cooling...he is just trying to scare the f**king sh*t out of everybody to buy his wonderfuel that will reduce greenhouse emissions...whooo ...and co2 increases AFTER warming begins... most of antartica is getting colder...and wen u read this tell me what flavor of koolaid you are drinking

  11. Yeah, Global Warming Alarmists have science on their side.  What a joke.  You people on the left need to open a science book for once instead of leftist propaganda.  

    To answer, nature will not destroy us.  Nature doesn't have a conscience.   Destroy is a word that isn't appropriate to any rational discussion of the issue.

  12. It depends on where you live, as little as 1 year from today, but will def. begin within the next 2 1/2 years. Four years from now, 90% or more of the worlds species will have died.

  13. there are many primitive societies that don't depend on oil for survival.

    they'll do fine, although they may have some trouble for a while.

    our technological societies could have more of a problem.

    it's not global warming that will destroy us.

    it's WW3 triggered by food and water shortages that'll be the problem.

    i think Einstein said something like,  "I don't know what WW3 will be fought with, but the one after that will be fought with sticks and stones."

  14. years...???.....i'm talking months..get your raft ready

  15. Ask th Magic 8 Ball, it is more scientific.


        * Signs point to yes.

        * Yes.

        * Reply hazy, try again.

        * Without a doubt.

        * My sources say no.

        * As I see it, yes.

        * You may rely on it.

        * Concentrate and ask again.

        * Outlook not so good.

        * It is decidedly so.

        * Better not tell you now.

        * Very doubtful.

        * Yes - definitely.

        * It is certain.

        * Cannot predict now.

        * Most likely.

        * Ask again later.

        * My reply is no.

        * Outlook good.

        * Don't count on it.

  16. not long if we don't try to prevent global warming

    if you want to save it go here

  17. The biggest concern is tipping points, the point at which irreversible change begins.  For example, the Siberian peat bogs, which are the size of France and Germany combined, are thawing, something which hasn't happened since before the last ice age.  (Ice Ages are preceded by global warming.)  Methane played a major role in the largest dieout the planet has ever known.  Peat stores tons of methane, a gas 23 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas.  When methane degrades, it becomes CO2.  How fast the peat bogs melt determines the amount of methane released into the atmosphere.  Methane bubbles also exist on the ocean floor. A slight change in the ocean temperature can cause these bubbles to burst and release methane both into the ocean and into the atmosphere in large quantities.  Scientists don't know the tripping point at which the concentration of methane or CO2 sets off chain reactions that can have devastating effects on the planet.  

    Here's an article that explains the issue.  The researcher explains why the paper is on a .com website.

  18. Our destruction from global warming isn't a certainty.  There will be some drastic changes as sea levels rise and crops fail due to changing weather patterns.  The good side is that we still have some time to reduce its effects.

  19. "1 degree temp rise"

    Yeah this is in the US or areas in the US.

    What about at the north pole braniac?

    I suppose being that the NP is thousands of miles away you are not concerned.

    Your a moron.

  20. Global warming is something the politicians came up with to make money off the people who fear it. Man made global warming doesn't exist believe it or not. Yeah humans should stop being destructive to the Earth, but we are not the cause of the Earth's temperature rise, or fall for that matter.

    Stop stressing, the rich and wealthy (Al Gore) are doing much more damage to the Earths natural balance just by flying around in their personal jets. Which are proven to emit much more Co2 than a big airline one does. Co2 actually makes the Earth drop its temperature, not make it rise! Someone has been lying.......possibly for their own personal benefit.

    The sun has shown to have increased its activity over the past few years.....and I bet you never even thought twice about all the Chemtrials being spewed into the sky on a daily basis! Could that be one of the reasons the weather has been so off base lately?!?! Chemtrials are chemicals put into the sky in an experiment to control the weather! The government has not told you this, but they are the ones funding it! Look up chemtrials on google to learn more.

  21. Global warming will never destroy us.   The dieing off of or migration of plants and animals due to global warming will be more damaging.   The shifting of climate zones and rain patterns due to global warming will cause more damage than GW alone.   Heating up the earth a few degrees won't hurt us at all, but it will affect everything we do in some way not directly related to it.

  22. dunno, but if u find out b sure to tell EVERYONE!!

  23. Well after our great-great-great-great-grandchildren are gone. Global Warming is the earth's natural cycle and will not destroy us.

  24. Al Gore said we must react with in 10 years or we will reach the point of no return.

  25. 1)  Nature will not destroy us.  We're crafty, relatively small, can create artificial environments capable of sustaining our lives in space, and we reside on every landmass on the planet.

    2)  We're not responsible for global warming.  A 3 minute search and comparison of solar activity and historic temperatures will show you this recent warming trend everyone wishes to attribute to man is a direct result of the Modern Maximum.

  26. Global warming is fake, a scam.  So it will never have an effect of any kind on the earth.

  27. we have no effest on the planet....when the planet feels it is time it will chew us up and spit us out and start a new. any scientist with half a brain knows that we have little to no impact on global warming

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