
How many mosques should have a city of 5 million with 500 thousand Muslim people?

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What's a good number of mosques for those people to practise freely their religion?




  1. That's a really tough question.  You have to consider how many of those 500 thousand Muslims are actually going to be active and attend the Jummah prayer.  Some Muslims, especially in the west, only go to the Masjid during the Eids.  And, in places like Saudi Arabia, women rarely go to the masjid.  Only the big masjids have an area for women.

  2. It depends. Are they spread out in the city? or concentrated in one area?

    Are you talking about large masjids? or small ones?

    It depends on many things. And by the way to Muslims, practicing religion isnt done only at the masjid although practiced prayers ( as opposed to supplication only ) are done there. Its a way of life.

    If its in a non Muslim country, chances are theres Muslim sects, each having their own masjid. So thats something to be considered as well.

    Not all masjids offer the Friday prayer. In Saudi ( Riyadh ) theres many small masjids, that people go to, usually nearby, and fewer large ones where they do the Friday prayers at.

  3. For us we believe that God is everywhere. Magnificent, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. It does not require hundreds or thousands of mosques to be built in order to freely practise religion rather requires an open hearth to be His temple.

  4. well here in SaudiArabia.. there seems to be a masjid on every block... Everywhere you turn theres a masjid.. and their sizes vary from a small one room hall all the way up to a multi level mansion type building and schools attached.. so I think there are plenty around here to meet the needs of everyone.. also you dont necessarily have to pray every single prayer in the masjid.. The world is open to you.. I see groups praying at the park, gardens, by their cars., homes.. anywhere there is a nice clean place...

  5. depends on the area of the mosque to accommodate muslim people....usually in one city there are several towns with several mosques already. If one standard mosque can accommodate 500 people then it means you need 1,000 mosques to be constructed to accommodate 500thou people......its simple math I think.....lolz

  6. Well in my opinion not many,because not all of them will practice there religion.

  7. you are very nice people to allow Muslims to worship freely in your country and have equal rights, here in the Kingdom- my Kingdom- we do not have such a thing, we do not allow churches to be built and we do not allow Christians to worship freely, we are very nice people yes?

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