
How many mp3 players do you own? Why? Do you think you have too many?

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I know I asked this question before, but thought I'd ask again because I bought my 5th one because of features, in fact i by mine mostly because of features other than to play music.

So here's a list of mine:

1. 4gb Creative Zen V: i got it because it records with the inline feature through any headphone jack. Awesome feature.

2. 4gb Samsung T10: I got it because of the touch screen

3. 8 gb Creative Zen. i love the display and that you can insert a memory card for more media.

4. 1gb Craig. that's what's sold in drug stores i bought it to try it. It plays well but loads slow. it's small and cute. I find it hard to access menus.

5. iPod Touch. i bought it because of the touch screen and the Wi-Fi. Took a while to get used to. i like it for what it does.

My Creatives are so much easier to use. Sound from players 1, 2, 3 and 5, that would be the most important thing above all else. (I think)




  1. Well i only own two and both are Ipods and i dont think that i have too many.  I might get another one soon though, probably the Ipod touch because of its features.

  2. I have a number 1 and 3 but 3 is 4GB

    Creatives are awesome

  3. well i have a few cd players. a old mp3 player and my ipod video 80g cause i like them better than the touch.  

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