
How many mums delivered overdue their date?did you have to be induced or did your bub come naturally?

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How many mums delivered overdue their date?did you have to be induced or did your bub come naturally?




  1. 2 weeks late and had to be induced

  2. Induced two days over due to size.  Emma was born via c section after thirty some hours of labor and not progression.

  3. one week overdue...induced

  4. 2 weeks late was induced, had a idiot for a first OB left him for his co worker who was a gem, basicly called my first OB a moron and a few other choice names and got me scheduled for that thrusday which thankfully it  was a tuesday. Good thing he got me in when he did there was no fluid around our lil one when she was delivered but happy and healthy, Now 3.5 yrs later shes the biggest kid in preschool topping all the kids by a good half a foot.

  5. Two weeks late and I was induced.

  6. My second came two days late and I started labor on my own.

  7. i was nine days overdue and had to be induced

  8. Number 1 :10 days late. No induction

    Number 2 : 9 days late (had a 'sweep'. It didn't work..)

    Number 3 : 7 days late. No induction.

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