
How many muslims you know eat Pork?

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A Halal Pork..!






  2. NONE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  3. None of whom I know eats Pork or its by products, and I 'v never heard of Halal Pork. If U have any idea about it please enlighten me.

  4. halal pork?!     NONE!!!

  5. I don't eat Bork

  6. There is no halal pork...pork is prohibited in islam full stop.

    No i don't know any muslims who eat pork.

    Assalamu alaikum wb

  7. there is no halal pork

    how can pork be halal if its prohibited in Islam.

    i dont know any mulslims that eat pork and if i did i would be sure to let them know of the mistake they are making.

    Pork is just Nasty!!!

  8. Halal pork?  Do you mean like that vegan fakin' bacon stuff made of tofu that you can buy at WholeFoods?  No, I don't eat tofu or any kind of pork.

  9. oxymoron?

  10. None that I know of.

  11. If a muslim eats Pork then he no longer a muslim and Pork is not halal you stupid.

  12. Pork is haram.  I do not know any muslims eating Pork in our


  13. None......muslims dont eat pork

  14. zero

  15. I don't know how many muslims eat pork but for the life of me I don't understand why they don't - since God or Allah put all of these animals here on earth to be eaten.

    I love pork!  So does Emeril.... he always says..

    Pork fat rules man!!!!

    I have a muslim friend, male in his late 20's here in NY.  Loves to smoke, drink Jack Daniels and adores women.  I asked him what's the deal with muslims and pork.  He said it's an old tradition way back in the day where pigs played in mud and the muslims found that sickening so they don't eat pork.  I explained to him pork today is clean but oh well...

  16. None.

  17. In my whole life I met only one person who claims to be Muslim who ate pork. He was Durzi (not really a Muslim).


    You're funny. You know that? Maybe you should run for president

  19. there is no such thing as halal pork!!

  20. u cant get halal pork!

    haha that made me laugh!

  21. What is halal pork???

  22. No. I don't know any muslims who eat pork.

  23. modern arabs eats pork in USA

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