
How many naps does your 1 year old have?

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what time does your 1 year old get up in the morning ? and how many naps do they have during the day? my daughter used to get up at bout 8.15am then she would nap about 10.15am and 2pm, but lately i am trying her getting up at 9.15am and having just one nap bout 1.15.




  1. At 12 months, my daughter had 2 naps.  One in the morning, usually around 9 (she wakes up at 7am).  And another one in the afternoon, around 1:30 or 2-4.

    She's 16 months now and down to one nap, from 12:30 - 2:30 or 3.  She goes to bed around 7:30pm.

  2. i have a 17 month old and she wakes at around 7 am , then has a nap about 11.30 -mid day, then goes to bed at half 6 -7pm and sleeps through, its great.xx

  3. when my son was 1, he would wake at 7am, then sleep from 10am-12pm.

    Then he would sleep from 3pm-4pm, and then sleep through the night 8pm-7am.

    hope that helps!

  4. My daughter is 13 mths and she wakes up about 9.30am and she will go for a nap about 2.30pm for about 2.5 hours then go back to bed about 8pm for the night.

  5. My daughter is 17 months and always been a horrible sleeper. She moved to one nap at about 14 months old. She wakes up at 7am, takes a nap from 12-1:30 or 2. Not very much sleep for a one year old but that is all she needs. Every kid is different. If she is having a hard time going down for two naps try one. If not I would keep it to two until she is at least  18 months.  

  6. My daughter wakes up around 7:00am sleeps from 10-noon and the again from 4-6pm then goes to bed at 9pm. She's always happy and well rested. Works for us!

  7. My 12 month old wakes up at about 9:30a. She then takes a nap at 2 for about 2-3 hrs. After she goes to bed around 9:30p.

    I've noticed though that when she wakes up earlier she will take more than 1 nap. So I guess it really depens on the time the baby wakes up.

  8. My daughter is 16 months and wakes up between 5-6 every morning and then we play and eat breakfast until about 9-9:30 and then I lay her back down for a nap and she sleeps for about 2-3 hours depending on how tired she is. After that nap she is good to go until bedtime at 8pm. So she only takes 1 nap a day and does great.

  9. My son is nearly 13 months and he has two naps a day.  We get him up at 7am (although he is nearly always awake when we go into him) and he has his first nap about 9:30-ish.  He can sleep from anything to 40 mins to 2 hours!  He will then have another nap in the afternoon about 3ish, but this is usually for about 30 mins - 1 hour (depending on how well he slept earlier in the day).  His bedtime is at 7pm and he sleeps right through so this routine seems to work for him.

  10. 20-40-60-80

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