
How many naps does your 10 month old take before bedtime?

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My baby takes 2 naps throughout the day before bedtime. Is this too many or just right? How many does yours take?




  1. my son is 10 months old and he take s two naps. one is at around 9:30 am and the other is around 3:00pm then bed at 8:30 he wakes at 8:00 am

  2. my son was only taking one nap during the day at that age. he is 13 months now and still only taking one. a good friend of ours, their baby is 11 months and takes 2 naps. one in the morning and one late afternoon. it all depends on your baby. if they will nap, that means that they need the sleep. is long as they are sleeping through the night, dont worry about it. enjoy these naps while they last-my 3 year old doesnt nap at all!

  3. My son took 2 naps at that age and my coworker brings her 9 month old daughter to work and she takes a nap at 10:30 am and 3:00 pm. Both for about an hour to a hour and a half.

  4. My son was and still is taking 2 naps a day. One around 10 am then again around 230pm. Sometimes both naps would be over an hour! All total my son sleeps about 14hours a day. Enjoy the 2 naps while you can!  

  5. at 10 months my son was also taking 2 naps a day. the first one was at 9 am and would last 45 minutes. second one would be at 1 pm and would last for an hour or two depending on how tired he was. usually 1 h 45 min.

    my son is 14 months now and is still napping this way although sometimes he'll just take one long nap instead of two.

  6. my baby is coming 9months. he's taking 2 naps, 1 at 10am for 30mins to 45mins, another at 2pm for 1 to 2 hours. dependings on how tired also... i hope he will continue this till 12months as he is averange sleeping 13hours a day now...  

  7. Mine only takes 1.  I wish he'd take 2.  Most days he only sleeps 1/2 - 1 hour in a day.  But sleeps about 12 hours at night.  Absolutely nothing wrong with your bub taking 2 naps.  Some babies sleep more or less in a day as long as bub's happy it's the right amount of sleep.

  8. I wouldn't really be the best person to answer this, but babies are babies. They need to sleep often. When I was a couple years old i didn't eat. Nothing was wrong with me, I just didn't feel like eating. Hope this helps.

  9. when My son was 10 months old, he had 2 naps a day, about an hour after breakfast he'd have an hour nap, and thn about an hour after lunch, he'd have an hour nap. hope this helps!  

  10. Nothing wrong with 2 naps.

    Mine's always only had 1. I wish he'd have more. Because he's always soooo tired by the afternoon.  

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