
How many nicknames do you call your baby?

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olivia is 11 wks and i have so many crazy names for her! olivierz, livy, boo boo, diaper girl, mookey moo, pretty girl.....




  1. hehe my daughter mia has many many nicknames, and she answers to them all!

  2. i call my little guy








  3. Pickle pants, Emmie Bem, Boogie Bum and Bumble are our 6 mth old daughters main nicknames.

    Gorgeous boy and Scrubble Butt are our 3 yr old sons main nicknames!

  4. oh my...let's see. my hubby and i call our kiddos lots of nn

    Kyle- The Boy, Ky, Buddy, Bud

    Brandon- Brando, BJ, Baby, Pumkin. Lil'Man

    Delaney- Laney, Laney Jo, Princess, Baby girl, sweetie, Precious

    Hayden- Little boy, Baby, Chunk, Chunkers, Lil'Man 2

  5. My oldest is known as " The Davinator" and my youngest is "Wee Man" or "Boo-Boo".  

  6. hmm...i have no idea how many nicknames i call my new baby neice a TON of nicknames---boo-boo, baby bare, princess, beautiful, cutie pie, pumper nickle [inside joke. lol], audrie, audra, belle, bella, ella,[her full name is audrabella anastasia nichole kathleen lynn james-roberts. LONGGGG. lol]

    id say we have a good 20 nicknames for her...probably more! lol

  7. Sounds like boo boo is a popular one! We call Elyse...


    lyse baby


    boo boo

    moo moo

    monkey girl

    monkey moo


    little one

    I'm sure some more that I can't think of right now..

  8. I call Landon: Landon Bear, Boo Bear, Boo Boo, I have more that I say, but those are the main ones.

  9. My little monster!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Ian's 10 1/2 months old


    mommy's little monster

    baby boy

    monkey boy

    and his grandparents call him hot rod

    lol wayyy too many

  11. <-- that's lil' bear =]

  12. My daughter's name is Olivia too! We call her Olivier, Oliv, peanut,          lil nudester when she is running around naked like after a bath.

  13. Like 100.. 200 if i count the ones my husband uses too =]

  14. Little Chicken


  15. Silly Sally

    Punkin Pie

    Sweet Pea


  16. My son's name is Eli.  We call him "Ricky" when he is being really loud/obnoxious/naughty.  It's his "alter ego" name!  I have no idea how my husband and I started calling him this......luckily we don't refer to him as "Ricky" too often :) lol

    His other nickname is "Soupy".  Again, no reason!  Just a cute nickname we started a few months ago!

  17. My baby is only 10 days old and I call him Snuggle buggle, monkey. Thats mainly it.

  18. Monkey Toes, Buddy Boy, Mamma's Baby, Bubs, Butt Munch, Tanner Bananer....the list goes on....

  19. I call my son Little Bear, Kicks, Cade pants, And many more. It is something different everyday.

  20. My Olivia is usually Princess, Baby Girl, Livvy Grace, Baby Doll, Sweetheart, Beautiful, etc... I hope she learns her real name, although I'm ok with her thinking it is Princess. I work for the Disney Store! lol! BTW, I love seeing your posts because our girls look similar. Mine is 8 weeks on Monday!

  21. My youngest is 10 now, but his nickname as a baby was peanut.  Now that he is 10 I try not to call him peanut (because that just is so not cool...according to him) but I can't help it!  He will always be my little peanut!  :o)

  22. we have a ton of names for both of my boys. but the ones that are my favorite are the ones that are kinda like my nickname when i was a baby. My parents called me bug my oldest is stink bug and my youngest is wiggle bug. My oldest also ets called bubbaz and boopy doop and boo boo. we have a ton. My youngest is also called boopy doop and baby boy. we just call them whatever really comes to ming but mostly the first ones.

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