
How many nude beaches are there in venice italy?

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Do I have to have a passport to sail a boat there?




  1. Yes you need a passport. No there aren't any nude beaches.

  2. There are nude beaches along the Atlantic shore near Miami.  This was 22 years ago, and the friend I was visiting knew where to go, but as we walked along the beach away from public areas, we passed by signs that were posted as private property.  We simply kept walking and eventually arrived at it.  It seemed to be a popular location, as there were maybe 100 or so folks there.  

    Nude beaches really aren't that exciting.  Seriously: clothes and swim suits, regardless of how little they cover, let your imagination do all the work (and that's almost always better than seeing the real thing).  

    Sorry about the digression and if this doesn't help -- I know Miami isn't Venice, Italy.

  3. In Venice there aren't nude beaches, in all Italian territory there are less than 10 nude beaches...! in the Adriatic sea you can found them in Croatia or Slovenia!

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