
How many of Martin Luther's 90+ problems of the Roman Catholic Church did the RCC fix?

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Is there like a list somewhere telling how many the RCC fixed?




  1. It might be helpful to read some of the works of Erasmus....he was a near contemporary of Luther's, only he sought to fix the Catholic Church from the inside.

    I certainly have a lot more respect for Erasmus than I do Luther (or any that followed in his ilk)...It takes great courage to speak truth to power and then still stand as it's loyal opposition.  Luther and the others made their complaints then ran and hid behind powerful princes of this world who filled their own purses from the fray...

    I don't know your financial situation, but the Teaching Company has a wonderful course on the Wars of could probably get it through your local library too though (for free)

  2. You can't buy a certificate of forgiveness anymore

  3. I know that at the time Martin Luther posted them, the Church agreed with and fixed 37 of them.

    ADDED: David M is correct. If you actually read the 95 thesis, you'll see that they are all pretty much about the same thing. The big one being the selling of indulgences which the Church agreed was wrong and did fix.

  4. It was 95 Theses nailed to the Church door at Wittenberg and I do not believe the Catholic Church is selling "get to heaven free" chits or selling saint's bones but neither Repiublicans nor Democrats had anything to do with that.

    You strained at a clever question and missed entirely.  Fools names and Fools faces often appear in public places.

  5. He didn;t post 95 problems.  In this context a "thesis" is pretty much like a Bible verse reference for easy location.

    There are no more than a dozen issues in that 95, and many of them subordinate to larger issues.  One of the main ones, the selling of indulgences, was essentially stopped a while back although variants still occur from time to time.

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