
How many of Sun Tzu's lessons are we violating

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Sun Tzu's Art of War has helped countless generals, leaders and even guerrilla leaders topple far superior forces time and again. This makes me wonder-how many of his teachings are being violated by the "Greatest army in the world", I ask?

I have read it inside and out, and have nine versions of it. And many more on my computer. So you might say I'm obsessed with it. Anyway, If you can point out which ones our government is violating, it's extra credit.




  1. If we followed his teachings we would have wiped out Iraq by now. The flaw in the way we fight is because we try to fight yet try not to fight at the same time. We are at a major disadvantage because we follow certain rules and the enemy does not.  

  2. I don't have one version of it but if you have a link to a free version & can either e-mail me with it or put it on here I will start reading it & give you an answer.EDIT: I just started reading it & it is amazing how many ways I have found & I am not a person very knowledgable of war. A war needs to be justifiable, well I would like to hear what each person in the country things the reason for the way really is cause there is great confusion & I can only imagine what that does to someone who is fighting the war...I have already read about seiges & well, I just need to read & take it all in & hope people who know more than I do will comment more cause this is a big learning experience for me....I think the military was sent there so that the Bush people could make money. Look at all the taxpayers are paying & yet they grip if the person at 711 gives them the wrong change. I think when McCain sang about bombing Iran & spoke of all the places they should go to next it came to me that Haliburton-bin laden are constuction businesses. I was starting my own construction business at the time. I think the are getting free deconstuction of buildings & getting paid by not only the amercian tax payers but the Iraqi gov. to rebuild. So why are they violating all this lessons? cause this whole thing is a hoax so they (Bush, McCain, Rove, Cheney the whole Oligarchy) can weaken the American people & make a fortune. This is what they have done. So if we look at it from their point of view it starts to make sense.

  3. Yeah, I read Sun Tzu also.  It is required reading at Army Officer Candidate School, but please, take no offense my friend, you have only read the books, have you ever been in combat?  It is easy to read the book and comment on what you think is right, but far more difficult to lead an Army in today's world.  

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