
How many of the rest of you are becoming weary of Yahoo's Zionist/ Right Wing agenda?

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I mean any really good, rational,to me, answer/question is virtually guaranteed to demand a breather? Is a democratic discussion even possible anymore?




  1. Excuse me but Yahoo is anything but right wing zionist! What kind of dope have you been smoking? The Yahoo staff is openly left of center with some of them admitting that they are far left liberals. You are either asking things that cross the border of legality or are so far across the line to the left that they are societal taboos that even the far left wingers will not accept!

  2. Why the **** do people say its agenda? No, it's not agenda. It's just a bunch of retards on here that like to thumb-down and talk ****.

    However, I posted a question about Israelis calling their government out for the horrendous war crimes they've committed, and how retaliation is a result of their government fighting for land and telling their people it's for religious reasons.

    And it got removed.

    Funny how I didn't violate any Yahoo Answer terms or policies.

  3. Well I for one am tired of the pseudo intellectual children that throw around the term Zionist like they actually understand it's meaning. And I for one am tired of the uneducated children that claim Y/A Answers is by any reasonable description is Right Wing when Yahoo by it's very nature is a leftist company.

  4. Yahoo. Is a joke.

    Sometimes on the front page they have that ad that has the stupid slobbering Happy face behind the frowning mask makes me puke

    There are juvenile people running Yahoo.  

  5. You're obviously the one with the agenda.

  6. Right wing agenda???? LMAO!!!! I tried to post a question that was on the conservative side, and they kept me from doing so, by "taking a breather" every time I tried to post it. Does anyone know where I could email to complain? But...oh, of course you don't.

  7. Bear with it, I'm a republican who has tried to bash left wing liberalist and have gotten the same response.

    Moment of truce here and I will try to help you, I have noticed if you use less punctuation and question marks usually are a bad one for some reason.

    Good luck and remember to vote for experiance not glitz.

  8. What I really can't stand is these bourgeois socialist/marxist and there Left Wing Agenda....

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