
How many of these can you do?

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Ive just managed to perform a 'no hands' press up but only managed one and a half.....

Anyone beaten that?

It really is true when they say "no pain - no gain...."

Would i be foolish to keep going?




  1. what do you mean by that? like using your wrists? im confused

  2. A c**k PUSHUP?

    I can do 10x4

  3. I think I'd get to the laying on the floor part, then give up before I tried.

  4. Well some pain might not be good

    like when your neck hurts when you are doing crunches

    thats bad pain

    when your stomach or midsection hurts

    that good pain

    that burning fat  

  5. I can do 7, I am however still learning. With the help of The HItchhikers Guide to the Galaxy you should be able to perfect this. Here is a little gem of advice:

    "There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that provides the difficulties."

    So I think that it is tue when they say "no pain, no gain" this is unfortunately part and parcel of learning the no handed press up.

    As to whether you would be foolish to keep going, that lies entirely with you. Do you feel it in your heart and in your soul? Do you yearn everyday for mastering this particular skill? Does it consume your every waking moment?

    I would say that you would be foolish not to keep going.

  6. Well i did two and was in hospital over night, a surgery later i was fine =D

  7. wow impressed I couldn't do a quarter of one with out falling on my mug!

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