
How many of u Indians agree with me that

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a) the Older generation destroyed a lot and still is in most cases coz they had no vision and exposure as compared to kids of the sooner they r bailed out the better

b) most dads r plain jealous of what their kids make at 21 today ..which probably they never made even at 60 in their jobs..and this is becoming a social problem

c) its high time we came out of our traditional has hampered us way way too long..i mean like those of respecting people senior in age no matter what.. OR behaving as if parents r Gods messenger on earth ( I can tell u of 60 plus guys and women who r plain **** in every human tenet..and have nothing to share or impart even after 60 years on earth

d) that its high time that s*x becomes a non issue even in small towns and is allowed out of the closet..the single most dangerous behaviour that holds half our populattion to pre medevial levels of existence




  1. lol.. are you like mad at your family or something?

    please type properly next time.  

  2. You're probably not going to like my answer...but I agree, it sounds like you're just mad at your family or something and you're just letting it all out, because as a young Indian male, I must say that for

    a) I disagree, b) i disagree, and c) I disagree. d) I agree..but.

    I'll briefly explain.

    a) What do you mean? What did they destroy? What vision and exposure do kids have today? Violence, cheap storylines, and scantily clad women dancing to Bollywood songs that have no meaning to them?

    b) Most dads, in my opinion, are of course proud. Isn't that they dream, anyway? For their kids to be successful? (This is why I started to think you're just mad at a family member, perhaps your dad.)

    c) Really? I think we should go back to our "traditional mindset". I mean the one we had before...ahem...a certain conservative group of people of a particular religion...invaded...India...(not all are bad, of course, if you know who I'm talking about, but, well, their views are opposite of traditional Indian views.) What I mean is that the Indian culture, heavily influenced by Hinduism and other dharmic religions, was a tolerant, open, and liberal one. A time when women were equals and before the caste system was completely corrupted. Now, I agree with you, one should earn respect. Being old doesn't count. Again, it seems like you're mad at your parents? Listen, if you're a Hindu, you know that you should try to see god in everybody, so that may be a reason people treat their parents so well. That, and, if you're parents loved you, of course you love them back and thank them for raising you. Once again, though, I agree: earn respect. As a sidenote, I personally do not touch the feet of any elder for blessings. Never have, never will. I find it ridiculous, and insincere, especially since I don't truly like many family members.

    d) Ah, the s*x issue. s*x suddenly became a bigger taboo when conservative Muslims and Europeans controlled India. I totally agree that the poor of India need to be educated on s*x so that they can stop having so many children they can't afford to take care of! and also to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. However, have you seen the trash that is Bollywood/Indian TV? Girls wearing hardly any clothes dance on cars in various locations during a ten-minute song that has nothing to do with anything but has some catchy English words that make no sense like "oh yeah kiss mind-blowing i love you come to me ek main aur ek tu hai blah blah" all while we have actors like Imraan Hashmi a kissing machine. Bollywood and other Indian entertainment shocks me everyday. It sucks and they've turned girls into s***s. ahem, Rakhi Sawant. In the meantime, Indians thing they're being western and therefore modern, but they couldn't be further from the truth. Living in the West for years, it's not so extreme and erotic as it is in India for people of all ages to see. (If there is something so sexual or violent, it is rated R for example in America so you are aware and you're children have other options) Oh wow sorry I totally went off there. Sorry 'bout that. Gets me mad, and Aaj Tak--who are they trying to fool? They're nothing but a source for more meaningless entertainment. I could go on and on and on about what I don't like about today's Indians. (but don't worry, I could also go on about what I do like)

    But I really do wish we could go back to the old, old days. When we had a more open, educated, free society.

  3. wow. being an indian i wud have to say,too many important issues go undescusted .we sud get a poll going on dis 1!!!

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