
How many of u dont resist if ur best friend asked u to have s*x? & he/she is sooooo!! beautiful or handsome!!?

by  |  earlier

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and u really love him/her. do u keep ur family in mind?




  1. what does family have to do with that? Sorry but I really don't understand what you are trying to ask about the keeping the family in mind thing.

  2. I don't keep my family in mind, but I do keep in mind that s*x doesn't equal love or commitment. Many times, it just means that someone is going after what they selfishly want, only so they can move on to someone else, best friend or not.

    I have learned to keep what is precious to myself until someone proves to me that they are totally committed to me and my life, just as I would be to them.  s*x isn't a toy. It's a matter of the heart.

  3. I always keep myself in mind. I might love him/her, but i always love myself more, n put myself first... i think about the risks of having s*x and how it can ruin the relationship i can have with that person...  

  4. it is to do with you and your friend not your family or friends if you are in love you cant help the feelings you feel no matter what gender they are but you do have to be responsible for the age that they are,so if they are younger than 18 you should wait until they are that age and you also should wait until you are that then you should know if that is what you want to get up to. take care and use protection.

  5. i lost my virginity to one of my best frineds , we were both virgins and i dont regret it

  6. well, I've realized over the last year or so that I don't have a "best friend", and IF I do, it's my boyfriend. now, even though we've been dating over a year, I've decided that I'm not going to have s*x with him (at least not now- but I don't plan on waiting until marriage either). he understands, and so, when he asks and I say no, it's not really that big of a disappointment. in any situation though, my family is NOT part of my s*x life; it's my body, and I should have the right to do what I please.

  7. keep your legs closed.

  8. it would matter if i was ready to do that or not..

    and why would i keep my family in mind they dont control my body i do as i please.

  9. root that *** ther and then

  10. OK, so I'm 13, my best friend (of the same gender BTW) asks me to have s*x? Hmmmm, NO!

  11. only if i was ready.

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