
How many of u think that " You are in the wrong place n situation" - u never wanted to be?

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I mean throughout u have thought or decided that u will lead ur life in a certain way , on ur own conditions , with full freedom But right now ur life is completely different and u hate it .

How do u deal with it?




  1. my husband has cancer and i have to be his caregiver...itis a  24 hour a day job  witht he exception of insurance covering nurse visits for 2 hours a day,

    my life IS comepltely different but on many levels  I am learning what iti s like to look through a set of different eyes in a caring manner...and not just for him but for others too.... I do not hate my life but i will say right now it is  a challenge for sure...

    i guess what i am saying is- this is a learning experience and is teaching me great love and patience...sometimes the hardesttimes are the best teaching times in life and with that said i am grateful

  2. I would take a good long look at the things that are causing chaos in my life plan and I would sit and try to figure out what the necessary changes would be for me to correct the situation. Then I would do everything in my power to make sure I stick to the plan.

  3. I guess most of us feel that way... When u r young u think u can achieve everything n will in your life.. But as yrs passes n reality hits u with the baggage of responsibilities u sometimes give up and then regret in your life...

    I got married at 22, and now at 31 regretting n finding a way out


  4. Well Im there right now and it is coming down to the point where I cannot take it anymore. So what im going to do is change it, go a different way for once and go my own way without anyone stopping me.  

  5. Everybody's life turns out different.  You make decisions so you have to live with it, hate it or not.  And by working through it all you make it better.

    Otherwise you're doomed to make the same mistakes again.

  6. when i was younger, like 18, i was going to school, worked a great job, had $$ and a new car and life was good.. i actually left my fiancee for what i thought was someone "better" and more exciting, and my last words to him, as i slammed the door were, "i guess we'll see who makes something of themselves.."

    i got married to 'mr. exciting' dropped out of school, and 6 years later, got divorced.. i am now uneducated, unemployed cause i got laid off from my job, and bankrupt... lol... and my ex fiancee is a sucessful accounant with a wife, and they just bought a condo.. so yea, i thought things would be different, but they still can be... i am with a great guy and i am going back to school.. we might buy a deli together and life will be good... just gotta realize that its never too late

  7. I hate my life too at times.  But we are in control of it.  We are in charge of our destiny.  

    The problem is we keep on making the same mistake over and over again.  Not listening to our instincts or gut feelings.  Sometimes we are guided by our emotions rather than common sense or by our own mind.  We jump into a situation knowing nothing about it or we start a project go to the next without completing the first project.

    Before we go to a new adventure let's finish what we started.  Before we leap into something let's gain knowledge about it.  Before we make that move, let us be guided by our mind, common sense and most of all by God.

    Life is what we make it, most of the time we make life hard ourselves.

  8. Life is like that! You can either change it to how you want it to be, or learn to accept the way things have turned out.

    It's best not to dwell on past hopes unless they are still achievable..

  9. yeah, I feel like that.  how to deal with it will be different for different individuals.  you can try talking to a clergy member if you belong to a church,  if not you can get some counseling.  they may have some ideas you hadn't thought of.

  10. Nothing is ever the way you planned. However, most people realize this and enjoy their lives anyway.

    If you are hating your life... Think about how your life is different from what you wanted.. And set goals for yourself to get back on track. That might be: quitting your job, going back to school, getting a gym membership, stop smoking, whatever. Make the little changes necessary now to live the life you want later.

  11. HI Rita,

    I think i am in the wrong place n situation. I cant leading my life in my way. Is because of some reasons. But at the same time things are in my hand also. Whenever i want to change I can.....

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