
How many of u think the government is really helping save nature?

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How many of u think the government is really helping save nature?




  1. As if!

    The government think we believe they care about the environment when in fact they care about MONEY. They are a bunch of fat cats sending the army into Iraq in a war that has been faked because they want oil. They are bleeding the public dry in every way they can. Meanwhile we have a John Lewis List of £22000 to furnish their SECOND homes!!!!

    What a joke.

  2. No, I think they see other things alot futher up the list.

  3. the government is wasting time/money/engery on investing in even more research about climate change and other environmental issues, so that people think they're taking action and that they care about whats going. All this is, is a way for them to avoid taking any real action, because that would cost them huge amounts of money and require huge amounts of change in the way industry works. They're way of becoming environmentally friendly, is to paint the machine green and go on the same way that got us in this position to begin with....

    its cynical, but its true

  4. no they arent they arent even tryn to help the people they govern they r too busy worryin bout how much money they r getttin where its comin from how to get more raising taxes taking away funding for the importnant things like education and jobs

  5. Not me!

  6. Not I, IMO the only two things they're interested in are their own pockets and their inflated egos

  7. i do

  8. I do not really think they do a good job because if they do there is alot of places that need the attention. I want to say the Government needs to pay attention to the people more helping the people with needs and providing more information for us to SEE IT and Know. And helping the people, nature will take care of itself. Without the people having help and knowledge of where and whys and hows, we are lost of believing the government helps.

  9. Not me. Every action they act upon is just to raise another tax on the UK tax payer

  10. The goverment only helps out a little.... to them its the last thing on there list on things to do!!

  11. I don't think they are helping really, just generating more cash by adding taxes.

    We need a new government, one to sit down and overhaul our country as a whole.

    Nature needs our help!

  12. its not. definitely not, no way, nope, no.

    the govt. will privately do whatever benifits itself - ie money, power etc

    and publicly do whaterver gets it votes, in order to make more money, get power etc.

    and when i say 'it' i mean the individuals that operate it, who very often have personal interests - like business and finacial connections, in order to gain personal money, power etc...

    they are by their very natutre corrupt.

  13. Subbu's kinda right. Although the government is doing very little to help nature and the environment, it's ultimately up to the people.

    I still don't like the fact that the governments are fighting every piece of legislation though that would raise fuel efficiency or introduce cleaner fuels and tchnologies.

    Instead of spending hundreds of billions of dollars on this useless Iraq war, they could spend just half of that money on developing some radical new type of technology, and then share it with the rest of the world as sort of a peace offering.

    if we made a gesture like that instead of demanding everyone else do as we say, maybe these terrorists wouldn't hate us so much. you can catch a lot more flies with honey

  14. dont think they are doing anything are they, apart from the odd advert about recycling-whopee!  dont think they care about anything except their big fat pay packet!!!

  15. IF they are helping they are doing a very poor job.

  16. Hello

    Government is Helping to save the Nature.

    But all people of this world will show interest on Save of EARTH.

    Government propagating Message about Save Gas- Petro-Diesel-Gas-Electricity. But many people not following the Message.

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