
How many of us have disabled children?

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i have 2 alex has down syndrome oscar has miled cerebral palsy




  1. my little brother has down Syndrome I love him so much

  2. my adult nephew has learning difficulties.

  3. I have three children, and one on the way, my oldest is 8 and has Aspergers (a form of high functioning Autism) as well as ADHD, PTSD, and a few other LD thrown in for good measure.  My middle is what they call NeuroTypical ("normal") and my youngest has severe ADHD and is in the process of being tested for Autism.  It's lots of fun at our house let me tell you haha!

  4. I have two children.  My daughter (8) is a former preemie, and has Short-Bowel Syndrome, mild chronic lung disease, asthma, and allergies.  She also has a learning disability.  This will be her first year not in the MiMD classroom, though still receiving speech.  She still has her struggles, but has made a lot of progress :).

  5. my son is 16 and has dyspraxia, i don't class him as disabled though he's just a bit on the clumsy side

    my 11yr old daughter has turner syndrome....

  6. I work with special needs children.

  7. i have a daughter who is autisitc

  8. Have a daughter who is classic Autism with learning and behaviour problems thrown in for good measure.

    Strange when growing up I knew of only one child who was disabled (i now know it was autism) yet now so many?

  9. i have a brother that autistic!!

  10. I have two both autistic one at special needs school my son also has tourettes, dyspraxia and other problems too. You can tell we are all the ones up really early in the morning.x

  11. My brothers (triplets) are now 2.5 and they were premature. They're very healthy now. God bless all children!!!

  12. Two of my brothers have slight learning difficulties, 1 of my cousins has full blown autism and another of my cousins has some other learning disability, but exactly which I do not know. So in other words, quite a few people have children with at least a minor disablitity.

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