
How many of us old veterans would really go back and fight even if we cant walk more then a 100 yards ?

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i also agree with my fellow vets on this honor iam now going on 62 yrs and did 2 tours in 69/73 . my wife said she will make us all lunch as she watches our beaches!! gotta love our women.ha!ha!




  1. My good adviser is 72, he would do it in a heartbeat if he didnt have any planes otherwise he just trys and teaches kids at a high school

  2. I know a 59 year old veteran would, if our country was being invaded you wouldn't even have to ask I would already be out there. Army 5th SF 68-70

  3. I'd be there tomorrow if only my cardiologist would ok it. Lets go. We can start the old timers Brigade.

  4. The Armed Forces only accepts those younger than 35. They've got it backwards. Instead of sending 18-year-olds to fight, they should send old guys. You shouldn't be able to join until you're over 35. Why?

    Researchers say 18-year-olds think about s*x every 10 seconds. Old guys only think about s*x every 15 seconds, leaving more than 28,000 additional seconds per day per recruit to concentrate on the enemy.

    Young guys haven't lived long enough to be cranky and grumpy. A cranky and grumpy soldier is a dangerous soldier.

    If old guys can't kill the enemy, they could complain them into surrender. "My back hurts!" "I'm hungry!" "Where's the remote control?"

    An 18-year-old hasn't had a legal bottle of beer yet and you shouldn't go to war until you're at least old enough to legally drink beer. On the other hand, the average old guy has consumed 26,000 gallons of beer by the time he's 35. A jaunt through the desert with a backpack and an M-60 would do wonders for his beer belly.

    An 18-year-old doesn't like to get up before 10 a.m. Old guys get up early just because we can (and to steal the neighbors' newspaper).

    If an old guy got captured, he couldn't spill the beans because he'd forget them. Name, rank and serial number would be a real brainteaser.

    Boot camp would be easier for old guys; they're used to being screamed at. Plus, they actually like soft food.

    Old guys already have a deep appreciation for guns and rifles. They like them almost better than naps.

    But the Army would have to lighten up on the obstacle course. Besides, there's not a single 20-foot wall with a rope hanging over the side in the entire desert.

    And Drill Sergeant would have to be retrained: "Now, mister, drop down and give me... er... one!"

    They could eliminate the running part. That's a waste of good energy. No one has ever outrun a bullet anyway.

    Remember the joke about the two bulls standing on a hill looking down at a herd of cows? The young bull said, "Let's run down there and make love to one of those cows." The old bull replied, "Let's walk down there and make love to ALL those cows!" Patience is something most 18-year-olds simply do not have. And for good reason. An 18-year-old has his whole world ahead of him. He's still learning to shave, to actually carry on a conversation, to learn that a pierced tongue catches food particles, and to learn that a 200-watt 15-inch woofer in the back seat of a Honda will rupture an eardrum. These are all good reasons to keep our sons at home to learn more about life before sending them off to war.

    Let us old guys track down the dirty, rotten, filthy, coward scum. The last thing they'd want to see right now is a million old guys with attitudes!

  5. I don't know if ya mean veterans that are AGED... Or as a general term. *chuckling* I'm 32, and a combat veteran. I'd go back in a heartbeat if I was able.

       We couldn't promise to kick down doors as enthusiastically as an 18 year old, but I think all of us know just how important it is to fight beside people who've been there before. Having a "calm" voice in combat can be as important as ammunition.

  6. Hey grandpa just sit back and relax........let us kids go and fight, Its our turn now!

  7. Hey Frank!

      Welcome home!  Viet Vet...66 - 67, Mekong delta area and Phu Quoc/An Thoi in the Gulf of Siam.

    Guys (and gals), here's what you can do for our troops, here at home.  I'm going to be part of a welcome home mission on Monday and Thursday of this week for two returning Iraq veterans.  Check out the photo gallery!  

    Any questions, feel free to email me.

  8. Joker,

    That has to be the best answer I've seen in a very long time.  Thanks for making my weekend better.

  9. Why walk??? Let some young kid bring us the ammo.

    I still can fire expert while sitting on my ***.

  10. I spent 13 years as a Cavalry Scout, Got shot up in Desert Storm. Honorable Medical discharge out.

    Have to say no on this one. My views have changed considerably since I've been out. I can't see spending 341 Million dollars a day to fight in Iraq or Afghanistan when we cannot take care of our own people.

    Politicians say we are fighting the war on terrorism? I don't see it. I believe more could be done in the US to secure the Country.

    My question is, "Who died and made the US the World police?"

  11. If called upon to serve again, I am ready, able,  & willing!

  12. Military people are a special breed like no other.They would stand and fight till their last breath if some one were threatening our country. And I thank you...

  13. I would do it again. I don't think a 60 year old arthritic diabetic with a triple bypass  would be on the top of the list to go.  That lunch sounds good.  67-71

  14. I volunteered to return to active duty from the retired list within days of the attack on America on September 11, 2001. But, Federal law prohibits such a request being honored beyond a certain age with the exception of physicians and flag and general grade officers.  

  15. I can make the 100yds but the d**n VA shrink won't clear me to go back. I've already tried twice. thanks to you all for paving the way for me to do my duty.

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