
How many of you, landlords, overstate rental expenses?

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On your tax return? I know every one of you does.

So how come you don't rent to people with criminal record, knowing that cheating on taxes is a criminal thing to do to begin with?




  1. Why are you part of a criminal conspiracy? You can be charged and imprisoned.

    Any tax preparer that affixes his/her name to a fraudulent document is liable. My accountant says if I can't document it he's not including it.

    I know many like this. Why are your ethics so weak?

  2. Wow, you are really offensive!

    Everyone does not commit fraud.  Not everyone is a dishonest creep.

    I never cheat on my taxes, never have, never will.   That is really despicable, cheating your own country, your own community.

    I do really well and certainly do not have to resort to stealing from anyone to support myself.

    I have had the same accountant for close to 20 years, I would probably give him a heart attack if I asked him to do anything dishonest.

    I am very loyal to him, and I know that he sames me tons of money every year.   Somehow I doubt you have a long and loyal list with your assumption that everyone cheats.

  3. I don't overstate rental expenses.  There is a lot of expenses that people don't see and just assume that we're making so much from renters.  I don't mind renting to someone with a criminal record as long as I have a personal reference from someone I can trust.

  4. "Honey?" (I use the name loosely and hope that is not your real name.  It certainly doesnt fit) you know absolutely zilch about "all" landlords.  Guess what? Every and I mean every deduction I take is perfectly legal and documented.  Obviously You do what you told Debra she does, make  assumtions.  You ASSUME every landlord is crooked. You are also obviously lousy at your job with that attitude and I am surprised that you still have a job with your company.

    P.S.  Just because you own a house doesnt mean you are not a criminal.  Stupid statement.

  5. Let me see,, you sign completes 1040 forms knowing they are fraudulent?? and you ask who is the crook? How many times have you said not to worry, they can only make you pay if they catch you??

    Is lying on tax forms any worse than wearing a wig, or false hairpeice to make you look better??   Do the two miles.. at least the weight loss and better body is honest.

    You may not have a criminal record,, does not stop you from being a criminal.  

  6. You sound a little bitter.  We didn't tell you to go out and do whatever you did to get a criminal record.  If you are having a hard time finding an apartment who will rent to you, it is your fault and only your fault.  Don't be bitter with us.

    EDIT:  WOW are you bitter!  Do you hate your job that much, and do you have this kind of attitude toward all of your clients?  When I first read your positing, it implied that you had a criminal record and no one would rent to you.  Then you posted additional information after I answered you.  Because of your attitude, I wouldn't have you as my accountant.  And, I don't appreciate you judging me, you have no right.

  7. Landlords are human just like the rest of us; if you prepare taxes then you see a whole array of questionable expenses.  So some are a little bite hypercritical when they cheat on their taxes then reject applicants for same reason, many believe cheating on ones taxes is the American way.

    Last time I looked life was not fair, look at the ex-governor of NY, when he was the state AG he prosecuted a position ring , just not the one he was using

    Hypo: Receipts are the easy part, I know of one commercial building that has not shown a profit in ten years, it’s amazing how much works needs to be done on that particular building; its sounds like you have some small time landlords looking for a free ride on the dog food?

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