
How many of you,feel that the U.S. Government has ignored and disrespected the people's voice?

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and know that We are about to go into war with Iran,and possibly WW 3,whats next for us??




  1. ohhh come on

    we encouraged them. we the citizen became complacent.

    as soon as the citizen takes responsibility for their own actions, that is when we regain the government.

    even the supreme court is on its own now that congress voted approval for FISA

  2. I'm a Democrat, but agree with Bill S on almost everything he said. We are screwed. Congress no longer cares what the people want, they only listen to the corporations.

  3. man homeboy i wish i really new....

    I mean this might be rock bottom for the US in the next couple of years for us that war we are about to be in is definetly gonna tern into world war 3.

    Our economy will collapse maybe russia or china turn on us!!

    this government hasnt listned to us since the 90's and its like the Elitists are to much imbedded in our branches of government for our words or votes to really make a difference. WELL AT LEAST THATS HOW I FEEL.

  4. Govt does what it wants.

  5. OOooohhh, OOooohh... Me! Me! Me!

    I couldn't wait to answer this question when I saw it.

    Wanna know the real deal?

    The majority of WE, THE PEOPLE are all for helping out the poor and middle class, but we're not too bright in that we keep electing rich criminals to represent us... the poor and middle class. Essentially, we're electing who the media parades in front of us, when they are all bought and paid for many times over.

    It's all about getting into power, staying there, and milking us out of our tax dollars. The politicians are beholden to the lobbyists, special interest groups, and multinational corporations. In the politician's quest to retain power, which takes money and the media, they cater not to the American taxpayer, but to the corporations and other groups that fund their campaigns.

    The politicians, the media, the "banksters", and the corporations are all running a big game on us.

    It's a long story, but basically it comes down to this...

    We've been duped.

    We're all running around arguing "left" vs. "right" like either side is going to change things. We need to realize that it's not about left-right any more. It's about the elite vs. the common citizen... you know, the way it inevitably always ends up... throughout history.

    People in the future looking back at us are going to think we were the dumbest group of citizens ever...

    We're running around waving our flags, shouting "We're free! We're free!" while they take way all our rights. We have 1 1/2 times as many people in jail as China, when they have 5 times the population and are considered a totalitarian police state. I bet the whole world is laughing at us.

    They're convincing us to be terrified of "terrorists" when you are more likely to win a million bucks in the lottery than to be killed by a terrorist.

    They're fretting over 3rd world nations with no navy or airforce, while spending more money on our armed forces than all the other nations on earth combined.

    They're bankrupting our nation while borrowing money from communist nations who used to be considered our biggest enemies.

    And you may think it's the neo-cons doing all this... I'm a republican and I don't like the neo-cons either (I voted for Ron Paul)... but if you think that the front-running democrats aren't bought and paid for as well, you are sadly mistaken. I just read today where the Congress, controlled by democrats, has a 9% approval rating.

    What it boils down to is the corporate/political elite are fleecing our country around us... while we vote them in AGAIN with big smiles on our faces.

    We have a 90% reelection rate in our Congress, even though things get worse and worse every year. The Soviets had a 92% reelection rate and they only had one party!

    What it all boils down to is this...

    We are ruled by the corporation.

    It's not "Of the people, by the people, for the people..." any more.

    It's "Of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corportation."


    Critics equate too much corporate power and influence with fascism. Often they cite a quote claimed to be from Mussolini: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."

    Mussolini was not the only one to recognize this. Franklin D. Roosevelt in an April 29, 1938 message to Congress warned that the growth of private power could lead to fascism:

    "The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

    We are in a fascist state. The quicker people get around to realizing this... the quicker we can fix it. But they don't even realize it's happening because our "news" media is owned by the same corporate powers.

    George Orwell would love to see this sh*t.

    No matter which of the corporate-selected candidates get into office, the average American taxpayer will be SCREWED.

    This short, very informative video explains how we are supposed to be a constitutional republic... not a democracy... but instead we are shifting to an OLIGARCHY (rule by a small group of elite)...

    Check out this video presentation. It explains exactly why our system is BROKEN, and why neither party is going to change it...

    Unfortunately, the next decade is going to make the 70's look like a cakewalk.  And depending on whether or not the American people wake up, we might lose our form of government as we know it.

    Since George Carlin passed on the other day, I'll let him finish my answer...

  6. If you are just thinking about yourself and not reading about what is happening around the world then I think that people like you would do more harm to our country than this President. Let me tell you and I don't agreed with what this President and Congress because they don't care about us the American citizens, all they are doing is for the big corporations and the illegal immigration and doing nothing for our Nation and citizens. But people like you I think just think about yourself and not about our Nation. We are living in a turmoil world and we as a Nation cannot keep our eyes close and close our doors and windows and send the world to h**l thinking that by doing this we in the USA are going to be OK. Where were you when 9/11 happened, sleeping, well is about time you people wake up and face reality. Welcome home.

  7. Bill S. could not have answered it better!

    It is time to abandon the phony left/right political paradigm and for conservatives and liberals to stand together and take control of the country from the criminals.  An honest government, left or right, will govern for all of the people.  A government hijacked by criminals and special interests governs only for those interests.

    The solution - vote in politicians that respect the Constitution.

  8. The media machine is even voting for us, they selected Obamination and McSame

  9. There are a lot of people that see things your way. The only thing is that we are not looked upon as U.S. citizens but as a bother to these pumped up lawyers that seem to have a lot of "interests" we are not privey to. A movement of maximum proportions is on the horizon. Check us out at We are just concerned Americans looking out for our offspring and America as a whole. (We have been ousted by Yahoo for not following their rules three times now, so hopefully you can recieve this.)

  10. Do I feel that the U.S. Government has ignored and disrespected the people's voice? TWO WORDS: Hurricane Katrina

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