
How many of you American muslims have been "Americanized"?

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Honest question. I'll admit I've been Americanized, kinda hard not tow hen you move to westerncountry at a young age. I listen to music, watch movies, American friends, partying, etc.

Still go to masjid and have faith and fast, but I have my own beliefs that seperate me from the "religious true muslims" that they call me a munafiqueen.

Anyways, how many of you live in a western country, and have been able to resist being Americanized?




  1. I have been Americanized and I embrace it. After all, if Muslims didn't like America why would so many of them immigrate to the USA in the first place?

  2. I have been supermanized.........;;;;

  3. I've definitely been westernized buts it hard not to be when this is the only life I've really known. I don't really date but I do like going to parties, hanging out with my friends, going shopping and trying to fit in with the 'cool girls' at school. I think I'm a good Muslim though, I pray and fast. I try my best to stay away from evils but its quite hard to when its the English culture. But I'll always try my best to be a good Muslim and that's all I can do. :)

  4. I have been un-westernised alhamdulillah.

    i might still have some signs of being westernised.. but overall alhamdulillah i was able to un-westernise myself.

    Edit: many other countries where people do the same things have borrowed the "western" life-styles and they also can be very westernised without being in the west.  And I don't consider that "a modern" thing.. as people in the west had it all along...

  5. I have a question about your question and the answers you have received and didn't know if I should ask it here or start another new question but that's besides the point...sorry for not answering your question...but I am not an American Muslim so it doesn't really apply to me.

    Before I even start, I just want to say to everyone, no offense because I'm just a curious, "ignorant" American, who has been reading a translated version of the Quran, in an effort to better understand my boyfriends faith.

    Anyhow, when you ask the people if they've been "Americanized" you say that you listen to music, watch movies, have American friends and party. When some people respond to you many of them say they listen to music and also watch movies. Many people in many other countries listen to music and watch movies, so it's hardly being Americanized, and is there something wrong with listening to music or watching movies, according to you or your religion. I understand the not partying thing, most parties consist of drinking or drugs which is not permissible. And the having-American-friends thing? hmmm. I'm not sure what to make of it. I understand about not befriending the unbelievers and how you should do things with people who share your faith, but I feel limiting your friends to people who only believe the same thing you do really lessens your view of the world. If you have friends who believe in many different things then it's like you have more sets of eyes, if that makes any sense. Thanks.

  6. Well my mother and all my uncles and aunties and my dad beleive me, my bros, my sisters and al my cousins have been amercanized lol. But i dont think i am, i pray i fast i stay away from situations that can ruin my part of life like i dont party or date or any of that stuff. I like to go to the mall and hang out and watch movies, but does that me i am "americanized"? No it just means i am acting like everyone else who lives in the U.S. but has boundries.

  7. I have been in california since i was 5 and i admit, i have been americanized. I listen to music, watch movies, american friends, but i don't go to parties, or do drugs and stuff and i have lost some friends because i don't do that stuff, but it was for the best really. But i don't consider myself a "modern muslim" whatever that is. now i am trying to not get sucked into that whole scene, it was so much easier in highschool, but i got to college and everyone is trying to get me to do something. But i stay away from all of that, and i don't go to haraam places.

  8. Honestly, sometimes I'm told that I'm too "American", but that's said by old aunties who think I should be eating more Pakistani food, than American food. And sometimes when I don't wanna eat p**i food, they say "Oh, kids these days, so "American"'. lol. other than that, really, I wouldn't say I've become Americanized in any way. I don't party, drink, do drugs, or let my American, non-Muslim friends influence me to do wrong things. I pray, fast, know what is right and what is wrong.

    So have I really become too American? hmmm well Allahu Alim!

  9. Yes, I am "Canadianized," lol

    But Alhamdullilah, I still have managed to keep my religion as my #1 priority !

  10. Well by Americanized, I hope you mean spoiled. One can certainly be a genuine Muslim in America as one can be in a Muslim country. The same temptations exist anywhere in the world, it's up to the individual to abstain from those temptations and sinful indulgences. But by Americanized, it's very easy to become spoiled by technology, the many legal freedoms that exist, the cleanliness of the land/air compared to some countries, traffic laws, the FDA, and the various education systems. Though certain practices of America deserve to be criticized, at least we can LEGALLY criticize them (criticize is different than inciting violence through speech). Upon returning from the Philippines, I was happy to be back in the states.

  11. i moved to the U.S. 5 years back from the Middle east.....i have been living in the U.S. for 5 years no i have not been americanized....and i dont plan to either.....i am too attached to my culture and family to go all american

  12. well i listen to music and watch movies, but i dont go partying, i pray, i fast, i believe in allah, swt.

    but yes i can resist being americanized, i pray and make dua that it doesnt happen, cause i dont really want to be anymore americanized than i already am.

  13. we've all obviously integrated into our societies. i consider myself an "american muslim" and i embrace that identity proudly. I dont know how you specifically define "westernized" but i definitely dont act like a fob because i was born and raised in the US.! i like designer clothes, watch the primetime tv shows, and speak with my californian tongue.

  14. I guess I am americanized to a certain extent, but I try not to let it interfere with my duties as a muslim.

  15. i admit it too.

    i hate that fact though

    i want to move to an arabic beautiful country, and go back to my old ways.

    but i still am a good muslim. i pray,fast,give to the poor.

    inshallah oneday well all go back to our homeland

  16. oh you mean misguided..

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