
How many of you Obama opponents are college educated?

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If so, did you receive any federal financial aid? Aren't you the same opponents against any sort of socialized programs? Isn't financial aid for school a good example of a socialized program?

Please explain in detail.




  1. I don't oppose Obama, I'm just not for him:

    College Educated, half paid for by the US Army, half paid for by Me.

    I put in a lot of time for that Army money, and served my country overseas as well.

    Hey- other than being a freshman politician, has Obama ever served his country?

  2. I currently support McCain, have B.S. degree in Mathematics, and support social programs.  I think Obama is allowing liberal rhetoric to blind him to reality just as George W. Bush allowed conservative rhetoric to blind him to reality.  Obama's policies seem either unfeasible or misguided to me.  On the other hand, I have followed McCain's career for quite some time and have always been impressed with his rational and practical approach to solving our problems.  I trust the proven McCain more than the unproven Obama to be the next president.

  3. I am. My parents had saved a lot of money for my education, but it didn't cover it all. I did get a loan also (my parents pushed me to - hey, I was 18 at the time), but really didn't need it, especially after getting an ROTC scholarship later.

    I don't consider federal loans necessarily "socialized".

    I consider them "unconstitutional".

    I've looked high and low for any constitutional or historical basis for the federal government to be involved in education, and it is just not there, enumerated or implied. Per the 10th Amendment, that would mean that the federal government has no power or authority to be spending ANY money on education.

    I don't believe the Constitution allows for a big, powerful central government that can be all things to all people.

  4. For McCain

    College educated and worked my way through school with NO financial aid. Financial aid increases education costs. Good old supply and demand.

  5. Many and I can tell you from living in PA by Penn State that there are many college educated but that doesnt necessarily mean they are smart!... They are all followers here and from what I see will show up for the rallies of Hillary and nobama but when it comes time to vote they are  more interested in their "bar tours"....I know so many that have graduated with good degrees and where are they working? In a bar...and that is their life.... sad if you ask me!

    added.... the town I live in is very money rich... its all about money... these kids here didnt earn any scholarships... mommy and daddy paid for it all...( they all have credit cards from mommy and daddy) they are more worried about what pair of Uggs they are going to wear and partying ... they dont have to worry about gas and or pay bills...These are the kind of kids that go to these rallies...Very few have "made it on their own"but the ones that have... those are the ones I DO see that also are working part time etc....and yes financial aide is there for those that dont abuse it as Ive seen that too in some... these are MY opinions though...

  6. the reason people without a college degree are more likely to NOT vote for obama is because they have not been brainwashed, er,  i mean, indoctrinated, er,  i mean, "educated" at a college or university that only produce good little america hating marxists like obama these days...thay can actually still think for themselves and see this commie/socialist puke for what he is...huh, go figure...

  7. US Army ROTC scholarship recipient and I am against Obama.  Opponents to Obama arent necessarily opponents to any sort of socialized program.  There is more to Obama's campaign than expanding socialized programs, like losing the war on terror and appeasing our enemies to "gain the respect of the world."

  8. But teh importent thing is that god hates ****.

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