
How many of you South Africans have seen these videos?

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There are two parts to the last video.




  1. So what? That's like posting stuff from the Boer War and claiming that English and the Afrikaners sitll want to kill each other now. Voetsek Hennie, anyway these links have been posted before by others of your ilk.

    Heavy D, tja boet, it seems you were right!!!!


    Hennie, or should I say Oom Kallie, if what you say is correct why were the Boere still making the souties' lives a misery into the 70's and 80's about the Boer War. As usual you shift the goal posts all the time. I do not condone those songs, but our country has a hard and difficult history, dragging things up from the past has always been our problem and you are part of it with what you are doing now.


    Where is your hard and irrefutable evidence that the murder of whites is being sustained, I presume you mean effected, by the government?

  2. I faithfully listened to them, and I hear and will digest what has been said. I agree with most of it, especially regarding the ANC.

    What I find hypocritical, is that you, as a person that insists on correct spelling, would link us to a Vid where the words 'tongue' 'destroying' and the difference between 'do' and 'does' are incorrect. How can the rest of the world take it seriously if basic words are not spelled correctly?

  3. Why do people say these videos are kak when we are seeing the destruction of SA right before our eyes?

    If it's not the ANC's fault then whose is it? They are the dictators and they govern the country, they're supposed to bring security to SA but they fail to do so, isn't this what the video is showing? The incompetence for the ANC?

  4. Only a very sick mind would put messages of hate to the tune of a great love song and only a very sick mind would advocate that people take this bilge seriously, still I suppose it was hennie who posted it.

    UP WHERE WE BELONG (Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes)

    Who knows what tomorrow brings

    In a world, few hearts survive

    All I know, is the way I feel

    When it�s real, I keep my pray alive

    The road is long

    There are mountains in our way

    But we climb steps every day

    Love lift us up where we belong

    Where the eagles cry, on a mountain high

    Love lift us up where we belong

    Far from the world we know

    Up where the clear winds blow

    Some hang on to "used-to-be"

    Live their lives locking behind

    All we have is here and now

    All our lives, out there to find

    The road is long

    There are mountains in our way

    But we climb steps every day

    Love lift us up where we belong

    Where the eagles cry, on a mountain high

    Love lift us up where we belong

    Far from the world we know

    Up where the clear winds blow

    Time goes by

    No time to cry

    Life�s you and I, alive, baby

    Love lift us up where we belong

    Where the eagles cry, on a mountain high

    Love lift us up where we belong

    Far from the world we know

    Up where the clear winds blow

    Love lift us up where we belong

    Where the eagles cry, on a mountain high

    Love lift us up where we belong

    Far from the world we know

    Up where the clear winds blow

  5. It is made for people who base their ideology on these messages.Some songs are so old I may have sung them too.Keep a positive thought . That what keeps me humane.

  6. Thanks for the links . I'll refrain from commenting for now .........

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