
How many of you Women out here are excited about Sarah Palin?

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I'm not going to lie and tell you I was a Hillary fan because I never was---she was another socialist-----but I have to tell you this one here generates excitement for me----finally a woman I can be proud to vote for----ladies----would like to hear your opinions whether you agree with me or not.




  1. sorry i can't relate to a woman who belongs to the NRA and is pro-life and calls herself an average mom but leaves her 5 children to be used as a pawn by the republican party so they can get "average" women to relate to them!!  i see right through it.  

    but hey more power to ya!

  2. Well you sound like you like the Republican side anyhow, so I'm not surprised.

    I don't like that side, so no I am not excited about it. I feel she's one of those brainwashed women that have no issue with taking women's rights away.

    NRA involved but pro-life... ROFL.

  3. It's clear that conservative women will but not liberal women.

  4. palin is just a pawn sucking up to mccain so he can play the sympathy card, pathetic.

  5. I was desperately hoping that Hillary would win.  Not because Hillary is a woman, but because this country was in good shape during the Clinton administration.  I do not trust Obama so I am voting for McCain.

    Now I am excited about voting for McCain.  I had never heard of Palin so I researched her.  The more I read the more I liked her.  I was discouraged over this election, but now, yes I am very excited!

  6. i love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and she is a gun toting nra member + proud to be american !!

    those alaskans have a strong character.

    this is generating excitement and i'm thrilled.

    kind of startled everyone.  isn't it great??

    kind of like the turtle and the hare.....

    i couldn't stand hillary.  she wants to give everything to everybody

    and they don't have to earn it.  

  7. I'm ALL for her - behind her 100%!!  She is certainly change we can trust and believe in!   Palin is certainly down to earth - not highly opinionated about herself, unlike Hillary!   She is also FOR the people and I know she'll do a very good job as VP!   She's a smart woman and is a fighter!  This country needs someone like her to fight corruption, pork barrel/unncessary spending, etc.   Palin also showed immense integrity and dignity during her speech, which shows me that she's a woman of great character and very encouraged by her spunk and eagerness to bring honesty and sincerity to the WH!!   I'm behind her all the way!

    McCain/Palin '08!!

  8. No because she is only in the role of vice president, which really isnt a role of great influence.  She cant make major decisions, at least if I can remember correctly.  The only good her position does is if mccain dies while in office,she will be president.

  9. I feel the same way but I am so excited about McCain also because I think he planned this well and choose someone who will also help take the media attention off Obama. We have heard so much about history ( first black man ) first lady running for president ( Hillary ) type things that I am sick of hearing about them and I am hoping now that he has chosen Sarah that the media will also focus on this being part of History too and it seems they done found the last time a woman was nominated for vp it was in 1984 and now I hope this gains the attention that they are not giving the rep party. I think this was a brilliant plan and I hope it works well. I can't wait to hear her speeches and I hope they win it all I know we will all be on their side in Nov.

  10. I am totally with you.

    In response to an answer a few above mine-

    I'm fairly liberal myself, but I am a registered Republican and very impressed by Sarah Palin.

  11. Not particularly.  What about her should I be so proud of?  That she was a beauty queen?  That she's pro-gun?

  12. I like what I've heard about her so far.  REALLY like it.  But, all that glitters is not GOLD.   I must find out more.  I'm not a big fan of McCain's, but I did like his responses at Saddleback.

    Obama is a charismatic con-man that the media has propelled to the position he's in now.  No one else (particularly a republican) could have survived a "Rev. Wright", a Bill Ayers, voting against the BAIPA in Illinois.  

    I hope he (Obama) loses BIG!

  13. i am so excited. i can't wait to hear more from palin her specch today was great. i don't get excited about elections but i look forward to vote this year. finally a woman who is not afraid to be a woman. she didn't come off as a shrew. yes i will be proud to vote for her.

  14. I'm not a woman, but all the women in my family are very excited, 2 turned pro Hillary to SWITCHING PARTIES. HAHA! GO MCCAIN!

    Oh and yes shes a very wonderful woman compared to Socialist HILLARY

  15. I was and still am a Hillary fan. I have admired many of the things she has done and stands for. I was extremely disappointed in the way the Democrats treated her and the way the worked so hard to propel Obama forward. I don,t trust/like Obama oe anything he stands for.The only change with him is whatever looks like the other opponent says/does that advances them. Once he sees that he starts changing to match them.

    However, I am impressed with Gov. Palin. The more I learn about her, the more I am inclined to agree with McCain's choice.

    McCain/Palin 2008

  16. I don't think McCain could have chosen a better VP to show he really wants to move forward and away from the politics as usual, good ole boys club.

  17. Are you proud of her because she is a Republican woman?  I don't know anything about this woman to make me proud, gleeful, constipated, or perturbed.

  18. I will vote McCain no matter who his VP is...I was hoping for Romney...but the more I hear about Palin the more I like her...

    I said as soon as it was announced "just wait till the equal rights women start tearing her(Palin) down because she is a mother of 5, they will say things like she doesn't have time to be VP she has to many kids or they will start in on her because they don't like the way she wears her hair or her make up" didn't take them long to start saying these kinds of things about her...hypocrites the lot of them...

    I love the fact that she is a mother of 5 and a life time member of the NRA she is my kind of I guess that I am very excited about her...

    always nosnod

    McCain/Palin 2008

  19. I agree,  great woman, we need smart women who do not lie and cheat like Hillary does.

  20. Any woman who says they dont admire Palin cannot be telling the truth. She has accomplished some impressive things as governor, and throrugh out her political career. She is honest, moral, and has good values. McCain has good judgement. She is a reformer and what we need in washington.

  21. how can you be excited about a woman running as VP with a man that is AGAINST women's rights??? You probably don't even know what a socialist is by the way.

  22. I'm more than excited- coming from a gun clinging proud white woman, in case Obama supporters are keeping count of their rhetoric.


  23. She brings new life into this stagnant election!!! Let's hope the American public is ready to embrace her!!!!

  24. I'm a guy but %70 of the people I hang out with and am around for 24 hours a day are women who I frequently talk to about stuff like this. I personally dislike both candidates (McCain for his anti-g*y marriage/adoption ideas and Obama for other things) but having any person who was only running a small state (population based comment) and has no foreign policy experience, not to mention not many people know who this woman is, doesn't impress me or those around me.

    Just because she's a woman doesn't mean you should be proud to vote for her. Although being the first female Governor of Alaska and now this is still impressive though.

    For me it's nothing about s*x, it's just that should this VP take over, she wouldn't have any experience with foreign policy,trade etc. handling a war ( I also believe Obama couldn't handle more than one small war) and things like this.

    Alaska does have a population less than 1/8 of New York City alone

    and people normally choose senators as Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. This is (in total) the reason I don't like this decision for VP.

  25. I'm very excited about it! I also totally agree with you.

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

    John McCain, Sarah Palin, 2008!

    The Winning Team!

  26. I am one who thinks women have no place in politics, but that's my opinion! I am excited about getting to know Mrs Palin, I am voting for McCain, so will go with his pick, She seems to have so much under control, and Think she will do a great job, I love the enthusiasm in her voice when she speaks, she's very up beat, and what a great personality!!I love the fact that she lowered taxes, and organized the things that she works on, She also has the happiness going, and that's what we need!!

  27. hey, i'll let you in on a don't have to be a woman to be excited about this pick..everybody i know, well, all the conservatives i know, regardless of their s*x, are excited and happy about McCains pick..

  28. I so admire Gov.Sarah Palin.

    What a wonderful spokes person she is.

    In her 44 yrs. she has accomplished so much.

    I am amazed. She has such strength & go power.

    Still she radiates warmth & compassion.

    You can see it in her eyes.

    I agree with you EZMZ.

    I could look & listen to her talk all day.

    She gets her point across.

    She's a winner as far as I'm concerned.

    She has me all pumped up.

    Go  McCain-Palin.~~ Save America !!!!

  29. I Hate her already..she stands for NOTHING that I stand for and I think she is totally unqualified and inexperienced.  I think the US is WAY overdue for a woman president or even a vice president..unfortunately I do not think it should be her.

  30. I join you I too am so glad I lived to see the day that a woman like this came along., I think she repersent  all the good, moral, women of  america. My daughter lives in Wasilla Alaska, and she has told me over and over what this lady was doing for Alaska, She said at her last speech she had the baby strapped  to her chest, and got up there  and made her speech and never missed a wprd. this impressed my dauughter for life. She showed my daughter a strenght  that's just awesome. So yes I am excited.

  31. To tell you the truth, I dont care about her.I dont know anything about her, she has 5 kids which will make her too busy to be Vice President, and she doesnt make me want to vote for   Mc(CAIN).

    OBAMA '08!

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