
How many of you Yahoo Basketball Users actually play basketball(or do you just like to watch)?

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i played high school ball and i just finished school and trying to walk on in college




  1. I used to play, I play tennis now. Now I just watch bball.

  2. I played in high school

  3. I started for my HS team, but wasn't good enough to play college ball. So, I settled for college intramural teams, which  was fun.  I play pick-up ball any chance I get, and have played in a number of rec leagues just to keep those competitive juices flowing.

    Good luck with trying to walk on.


  5. I play and I know everything about bBall

  6. Gonna be a freshman, and im gonna try to make the team. I play and watch

  7. I play with friends only

  8. I play and love to watch. It`s better to play than football cuz every1 has a chance to score.

  9. I don't play any organized basketball right now. I play pick-up games almost every day, usually the same group of guys come out and we run several games.

    I love to watch basketball also, and talk about it.

  10. Playin On My Freshman Team This Year & I Play AAU N I Watch

  11. use to play alot had an extreamely good shot that i could barely miss where ever i shot but didnt have the hadles or speed but was also great in defense from 6th grade all the way to 10th and i was always to afraid to try out for the team but now i play sometimes and watch alot and im a true 76er fan for life!

  12. I am the Jerome Williams (plus good FT) in community and friends' teams, though since 2008 I play lesser games.

  13. Played in high school. JuCo player hoping to walk on to the Fighting Illini next season.

  14. I play it with my friends

  15. Im not in a team...

    But I do play streetball and love watching the game.

  16. In High School I played all four years. Now I just play ball with my girls. =)

  17. I love to wach it.

  18. I love to watch it and play regularly, at least 3 times a week, but not organized. i just go down and shoot at the park

  19. i watch and play fav team is da Pistons...try 2 watch as many games as i can...wich aint much anyway doe i also play 2, i play 4 ma varsity team and im the co-captain 4 the team and i play Power Forward

  20. Played a couple years in high school, still play pick up games a lot.

  21. both

  22. i played a few years in middle school..i'm done with school so i just watch now

  23. i played in middle school and plan to try out in high school my freshman or sophomore year, i play with my friends, and like to watch also

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