
How many of you are LOYAL to your team?

by Guest31737  |  earlier

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I am definitely a Atlanta Falcons fan, i stayed loyal to them through the whole Michael Vick dog investigation. and i still am rooting for them.

how many of you are loyal to your team no matter what?




  1. A Vikking Fan since `68. All four Super Bowl Loses, Hershel Walker trade; Choke in 2000; Bad Drafting and trades. But I'm still here!!  

  2. I am very loyal I have been a Season Ticket Holder of the Bills sense

    2003.  They haven't made the playoffs yet but I still wear facepaint. I love the Bills more then the sabres even when they had a great year.  I hated how many bandwagen jumpers jumped the Sabres wagon.

  3. I had to watch a 1-15 season last year, and I still am a Dolphins fan. I think that's pretty loyal.

  4. Redskins fan since 1982.  I was 5 years old then.

  5. Loyalty should be spelled E-A-G-L-E.

    I bleed green, go to training camp, watch every game (even preseason) and if I could afford season tickets I'd be there.

    No one has the heart of an Eagle fan.

    PS. Vick will be back in 09. He was that good, that someone will look past his actions and if they need a QB bad enough (Bills) they will push a contract his way.

  6. I was born into the Steeler Nation and I am loyal no matter what.  Winning season or losing season.  

  7. I live in Ohio but I'm a PACKER'S fan all the way. I've loved them since I can remember. At first it was for Favre to an extent but I just love them. Favre is ticking me off right now even though he's still one of my favorite players. The way he's acted has been childish and I think he should've just stayed retired.

  8. I've been a diehard Cowboys fan since 1978 when I was 18.  

    I don't care what happens in Dallas, I will always be supportive of the team.

    Oh, and I live 50 miles north of Philly SO BEING A DALLAS FAN AROUND HERE ISN'T ALWAYS EASY!!!

    Get your popcorn ready!!

  9. Steelers fan since birth!! People in Western PA live and breathe and eat steelers! The local news usually has somthing about the steelers in there lead story!!

  10. hola... soy de veneuela y seguro nadie me entendera haha!!!!

  11. I'm a jag fan through and through, since 95'

    the ups and downs, mostly downs with leftwitch but i love them.

    this year maybe the year for them to go to the superbowl  

  12. Da Bears!  My philosophy is that every team has it's great season.  Eventually, you will have yours.

  13. I bleed black & gold. If you ain't a Steelers fan, you ain't sh*t!!!

  14. Me

    Born and raised in Charlotte, NC so I'm a Panthers fan

    I've been a Panthers fan ever since 95 when they first started playing only devastating losses were to GB in the 96 NFC Championship game and SB which we lost to the pats who i have no respect for (cheaters) Im not like one of those packers fans who follow them cause of Favre, you stick with your TEAM not your favorite players god people is there any true fans left

  15. Proud UT and Packer fan, and yes, I have always stayed loyal and always will.  I became a Packer fan 13 years ago b/c of Favre but I am a Packer fan before I am a Favre fan.  

    (I'm also a huge Sac Kings fan & will always stay loyal to them as well.)

  16. Jaguars Fan since 2002

    Im 12(almost13) now

  17. I have been a chiefs fan 2002 and they haven't won a playoff game since. They lost their last 9 games last year but I"m still going to watch their games.

  18. Cowboys fan for over 30 yrs. Through the good and bad. That's my team. Most loyal fans.  

  19. Go Browns!!!!!

    Art Modell sucks he ripped out of Cleveland in the middle of the night and took my heart with him and I could never root for the Ravens because they weren't the Browns anymore. The Browns are Back Baby.  

  20. Seahawks fan since 1978. Now that's loyalty. Witnessed the move to the NFC after the Raiders owned us for years. I've suffered through the Rick Mirer era. Sweated through the Ahman Green era. Took $#^% from Steeler fans after the super bowl. I'll still proudly wear the hat and take trash talk from other fans. Will never cheer for another team.

  21. I was born a Denver fan, always have been always will, win or lose thats my team.

  22. I would take a non fatal bullet wound for the Ohio State Buckeyes

  23. I have been a Green Bay every since Favre arrived,I don't agree with the move's they have made lately,but I'm still a Green Bay fan for life.

  24. i just got into sports a lot these past few years, so i guess i have yet to find that out...although i'm hoping i'm loyal enough to stick with my current teams

  25. I'm still a Raiders fan...that should explain itself.

  26. And I applaud you stay true to your team that is the definition of the word FAN. I am true blue come h**l or high water my team is the most hated team in the world. (But with the most fans) No matter how they laugh ridicule them and lo-rate them I will be a CowboysFan win lose tie or die. A true fan knows because a certain player or players has done something wrong is not the entire team. What tickles me really, is when they sit on their judgmental derrieres and call you stupid and ignorant because of the team you are loyal too. Stay true dude !!!

  27. I've been a Bears fan  for 50 years. Da Bears!

  28. i am

  29. Raiders fan since the day i was born into the world. Which happened to be in oakland :D. I've rooted for them even through our last couple rough seasons.  

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