
How many of you are constantly hungry?

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but it's ok as you don't want to put on weight.




  1. I am hungry but not for food.

  2. Why are you constantly hungry.  Are you trying to lose weight?

    If you are hungry you should eat.  Some people have faster metabolisms and therefore burn up calories faster.  As long as you are healthy and active and not eating lots of junk food there is no reason why you should put on weight.

    Did you realise that if you try and eat less calories you could be doing more harm than good?  The reason is because if you eat less calories your metabolism will slow down and burn calories slower.

    Hope this helps.

    If you need any weight loss advice, see my profile.

  3. ALL the freaking time. And I get SUPER hungry at night like around 11pm. I always end up eating something, I HAVE to or else I'm just intensely hungry. Which sucks because I eat a late dinner.

    It sucks because I workout about 6 days a week for 1-2 hours. Cardio 5 days a week, weights 2, yoga 1, and recently started doing some pilates also. I've been trying to shed the last stubborn 5lbs (I'm not FAT, I'm about 5'4" 110lbs on a good day - I retain water like it's no ones business) but with my ravenous night's so not happening. Sad. Lol.

  4. When I start doing that I start to eat lots of protein, then it stops.

  5. not as much as I used to...

    gotta be in love.


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