
How many of you are dreading the day you are going to give birth?

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I know it's exciting and all but I am so afraid of the labor pain, I've been through this once and I am not looking foward to going through labor again, it was very painful and I had an epidural but it didn't take like itshould have. Now i am pretty terified of what is inevitable to come. I want to see my baby I just don't want to go through the agony before hand!




  1. I know what you meen kind of. When I had my daughter the epidural was misplaced and all that happened was I lost most of the feeling to my left leg for two months lol.

    But have faith that this time it will not be like that and the whole experience will be better. I am scared too but I am trying to keep a positive attitude.

    I figure at worst it can't be worse then last time and should be better. Besides it hurts but we will live though it! lol

    Keep your chin up Momma it will be OK = )

  2. The only thing I'm dreading is getting to the hospital and the events leading up to it...i'm not afraid of the pain or the pushing and I'm soooo looking forward to welcoming my baby into the world, but I live in NYC and traffic can be a nightmare, there's no parking around the hospital...the private lots are blocks away....i don't know if my husband will be working etc....i get nervous just thinking about it.

  3. I am actually looking forward to giving birth again.  I had my first 6 months ago at home, no meds.  It was a lot of work and I think the next time around I will be much better prepared.

  4. I know the feeling!

    I have had 4 but still am scared for the day I actually have to have them :)

    I had an epidural with all 4 BUT it only took with the last two..

    You will do fine just remember how you felt when it was over..

    Like it wasn't that bad and you had a precious little one in your arms :)

    Good luck!!

  5. I've had 3 babies, no drugs during any of them.  The best thing you can do is mentally prepare yourself, then when you go into labor, as you pass the different stages, keep telling yourself--okay now this is gonna happen etc.  Talk yourself through it.  If you're freaking yourself out about the pain now it will make it worse.

  6. TOTALLY! Ouch...  

  7. Try reading the book Birthing From Within. It will help you be in a good place mentally and emotionally. If your whole philosophy is to hide from pain it's going to be awful for you. Accept that it will hurt but that pain doesn't mean you have to freak out. Labor doesn't last forever, try to enjoy the experience.  

  8. I am not even pregnant - or married - or dating!  and I am afraid to give birth.  I hate being in hospitals and am not a fan of pain...

  9. I totally understand!!!!! I am in the same exact boat i have a 2 year old little girl and i am 30 weeks now i cant wait till i have my baby but at the same time am totally scared to have him...... I got the epidural with the first one but dont want it with this one because its my last baby I want to know really how it is. I dont know when i think about it it makes me have goose bumps but at the same time there is this joy that i have that another baby is on the way!!

    Confused and scared and i think everything above.....  

  10. I did dread it with my first 2, being filled with so much fear about labor and the pain.

    Now I am planning a home birth and have been doing a lot of reading on the natural course of child birth and am so excited, no fear at all. Dreading labor, having that fear of the pain will make your labor more painful. It is called "fear-tension-pain syndrome", when mental fears are translated into physical tension that causes needless pain, to quote Grantly d**k-Read.

    A few books I highly recommend are Ina May's Guide to Chilbirth and Childbirth without Fear.

    Childbirth does not have to be agonizing.

  11. When I had my son I tried as best I could to prepare myself mentally for it.  My mantras were "He's going to come out one of two ways and either way is going to hurt!" and "If childbirth is the most excruciating pain that I ever endure I shall consider myself truly blessed".  Just remember that you were strong enough to do it once already...congratulations and wishes for a quick and easy delivery!

  12. My first babies (twins) were delivered at 25 weeks -- one stillborn (vaginally) and one living (by C-section).  The one born alive lived only 10 days and then we lost him as well.  I'm now 29 weeks with a singleton (boy), and I can't imagine how you could be dreading the birth of your child!  I don't care how much it hurts, it's nothing compared to the pain of losing a child.  I can't WAIT until the day this little guy comes into the world, and any amount of pain is worth it!  

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