
How many of you are going to stand up and vote against So Real Cru and their tacky dancing??

by  |  earlier

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The voting on this show is a sham. It is time for us to stand up and vote for real dance crews. Supreme Soul has gotten voted off again. I think it is time for democracy to really win and vote SO REAL CRU OFF come on America we can do it!

Their dance moves are tacky and they do the same moves every week. COME ON AMERICA IT IS TIME FOR THEM TO GO!




  1. Waht the heck is your problem!?

    People actually like so real cru.

    &nd don't hate, just because there good.


    Go soreal cru

    you rock

  2. you guys are so mean to them GO SO REAL CRU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SRC IS MY FAV SO PEOPLE DO LIKE THEM!

  3. soon

  4. who cares which racial group votes for a specific crew. why would you care so much to get rid of one crew that happens to be asian. Ppl vote for who they like not becuz of the race. each crew rite now are not still in the show becuz of there specific races are voting for them. its becuz of their impressive dancing that causes ppl to vote 4 them. SO STOP BEING RACIST AND GET OVER WITH IT. besides So Real Cru's dancing is not tacky. There dancing is awsome.

  5. I hope either them or f***y Pak would be the next to go.

  6. Yea, i know i think Boogie Bots and Super crew are the best

    |: )


    i don't like them i always vote them off, even when there is an even worse crew,

    they are the same and are super tacky!


  7. I'm Canadian.

    If I was American, I would vote for So Real Cru to STAY.


    They are just as American as everyone else..

    Stop discriminating against them because they're Asian - alot of them if not all were probably born in America.

    Just because they don't do wild jumps and tricks every second doesn't mean they don't have skills.

    Every movement they make is so detailed and they match up with the theme/music.. they're detail orientated...

    And I bet the people who vote for them to stay appreciate those facts as well

  8. hey so sue us... since asians already get so much exposure in the media and entertainment industry, we shouldnt continue voting for our people to further advance them.  One of my friends, after watching the show, said to me that she didnt even know asians could move and dance like that so sue us that we are excited that asians are being portrayed differently than that nerdy stereotype.  If you didn't know...asians (pacific islanders) are still the minority in American and since "America" is voting, all asians voting for the asian group cant be the reason why they are still competing. Personally i dont like So Real cru, i like f***y Pack more.

    All in all, quit hating.

  9. oh, i love soReal Cru, haaaaah, love em. :] HOT.

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