
How many of you are planning on joining the Military after HS or college?

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it is a good way to get college educations and despite the problems of breaking things and killing people etc is an honorable profession.

Some people are naturals for the military.




  1. Well I am in my 20's, but I would not join the military right now because I do not believe the war we are involved in right now is justified. I know we need to fight terrorists, but they were not in Iraq until we got there and you can't bomb away an ideology..

  2. I'm not joining the military any time soon but that's beside the point. My boyfriend is a Marine recruiter and a lot of his recruits are kids just graduating high school. The military is great, they discipline you, train you, give you skills that transfer to the civilian world, let you travel, and pay for school.

    Some people only dream of military service and others find it as a second choice when they run out of options.

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