
How many of you are sick of RUDE Soccer moms? ?

by  |  earlier

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I recently had the misfortune of meeting some at my kids school, and I cannot stand them, they are pushy and rude, they honk with their stupid suv's

ugh why can't they just be normal?




  1. I am the rude soccer mom. Except my kids arent in soccer. I have a life and schedule. Most of my time revolves around my kids and their needs. If your the parent blocking my SUV to chat with a friend or meandering the parking lot daydreaming I AM going to show you my horn. If you dont move your butt out of my way I will get out and tell you to move. I do the carpool for my area, help in the classroom, and have a full schedule with 3 kids and disabled husband. If your the parent with your head in the clouds I will have ZERO patience and be rude to you. If your the parent judging me by my new SUV and clothing I will be rude to you. You have absolutely no right to to claim rudeness if you cant be considerate of other people's time.  

  2. I have a little boy and let me tell you how rude Baseball Dads are.  They have no respect, these kids are 7 years old!!! I have heard them talking about certain kids on the team and it is just sad.  I just do not understand it.  They take the game way too seriously.  GRRRR!!!  It makes me not even want to go.  

  3. Neither of my sons are really involved in extracurricular sports (we play at home) and I'm grateful that they aren't interested because not only do I  not want to have to deal w/those people, I don't want my children thinking that's normal behavior for parents.

  4. LOL, my son used to play soccer when he was younger, and I'm so glad those days are over. I could never understand those types, and didn't like being around them.  

  5. Let's not stereotype.  I was a soccer mom for many years.  I know plenty of soccer moms who never drove an SUV or yelled at a ref or anyone else during a game (they didn't want to embarrass their kids).  I never once sat in the car honking my horn during games, even when it was 32 degrees and snowing. I didn't enjoy freezing my butt off - I just figured that if my daughter could be out there, so could I.

    The most annoying soccer parent I met was a dad, and even though he yelled a lot, it was never critical and it was never directed at anyone but his daughter.  It was his misguided way of trying to coach her.   Most of the soccer parents I know were dedicated to their kids and involved in their lives. They made a real effort to be supportive, and not many were rude or pushy.  Maybe it's just different where I live.  If so, I'm grateful.

  6. Because their child is supposedly superior to everyone elses...I think those pushy soccor moms are cut from the same cloth as pageant moms...we all know how bad those people are.

  7. Parenting today is pretty f-ed up in general.

    Everyone thinks their little bobby or suzy is just a perfect little angel.

    The whole world evolves around them!!

  8. they are an awful species of  human

    they must be stopped

  9. What is a soccer mom? :-) I have a son who plays soccer and I drive an suv. LOL   I know that I am not rude, but I don't know what a soccer mom is!!

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