
How many of you are sick of certain users who like abusing other users then block them so they cant answer?

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there is one user who constantly poses hateful anti aus questions

and personel attacks on other users then block everyone who does not agree with him

he has recently attacked kookee because he does not share his radical views so i now have blocked him




  1. He has no ticker and is a spinless pri*k. Just proves how biased and one eyed certian supporters are in that they are only happy to hear  others that are also so delulded stuck in their little bubble. "Ignorance is bliss" I guess, and ignorance seems to be his greatest traight so he must be very happy.

  2. Just ignore him (I know who you are referring to, he got me blocked too, but who cares about him..  it really doesn't bother me, it's just internet, I know am beter than him lol).

    Just ignore hm/them.

  3. I'm not sick of certain users...I'm sick of em all.

    1. Stop giving someone a thumbs-down if you don't like their answer. If they are being idiotic fair enough but even then you really don't have to do it.

    2. I think we are taking their questions too seriously we're making a big issue of it and that's what they want. Why else would they ask such questions.

    So my message to this is:

    IGNORE BAD USERS. if you don't answer or reply to their questions, they're going to get bored sooner or later.

    If you want to stop these users just ignore them...i know it's hard but you have to other wise they're going to keep asking inappropriate questions and answering offensively and inappropriately .

  4. Mel.   You hit the nail on the head.

    Black Nails.   You hit the other head!

  5. He sounds like an idiot whoever he is.

    Who would be anti-aus? Australian's are down to earth, cheery people with great senses of humor.

    People who post nasty comments about others are just insecure with themselves and have to put others down to make themselves feel better.

  6. lol cossy, there for a minute I thought you meant KooKee had radical views!!! Anyways, yes that person is a coward, but there are ways of dealing with it & I think the best is to ignore him. So he has us all blocked, but I have two relatives also in YA that he doesnt know about, or who they are I should say, & they read his Qs & tell me what he says, & that his answers always come from his other IDs, so I think its hilarious, that he has so few friends he has to answer his own Qs! lol

  7. Yes, I've read this guy's questions. Bizarre behaviour, but if that's his opinion then he is entitled to it.

    I have had some profound disagreements with users on here who don't share my opinions, but I would never dream of blocking them or abusing them! (not publicly anyway)

    I think it's a bit sad to block people after you have abused them so they can't defend themselves.

    I can't say that it is something I will lose any sleep over. If he wants to attack people on this forum, it really doesn't bother me (mind you, I've never been one of his victims!).

    The best thing to do is just ignore him. he's obviously winning if he's upsetting people.

  8. Well Cossy my old mate i dont think i need to say anything about this certain user..The user who wants people to believe he is someone,who he really is not..Yes i am also blocked  by that user,but you know what mate it does not bother me..

    What is this user scared of?..

    He should realise you dont need to be signed in to read his racist pathetic questions.

    Yes he attacked Kookee,he says Kookee is a 22 year old female?..

    Well Cossy it is nice to know that he seems to harbour a grudge against any person who dares to disagree with him...

    So that user can do and say as he wishes-as long as he stays away from me and my questions i am fine...

    Like Terrible O said just ignore him..All he wants is people to make posts like this,It makes him feel important.

    He'll proberly get to them through his other accounts anyway...

    Congrats to Mel on her T/c badge too..About time you got 1 girl!!!

  9. track him down and grab his d**k and twist it around tell he screams mercy!  I hate those ppl!

  10. Yeah he has blocked me also. Those who don't agree with him are sure to be blocked . He blocks all those who are right  and then asks for comments

    Don't worry he is mentally sick guy

    If one person says Australia is not a good country it won't change the reality. Your nation is too great to be affected by one person's view and if you really can't stand him then use his own formula create a new user and kick his a***

    But it will be better to ignore him he does this to get the people's attention and if cricket's best users are ignoring him then it just means that he is a mentally sick guy

  11. I hate it - lets rise up against it! Whats the point of reporting a user's Q&A's just because you don't agree with their views. In fact the only ones who deserve to have their Q&A's reported are those that do just that.

  12. Yeah the attack was meaningless, the biggest coward in the forum calls me a coward lol! I didnt think much of it to be honest. Ashish B is a sh*t stirrer, every question or answer he posts is against Australia in some way. He makes me laugh blocking people and then bitching behind there backs! It was funny to see Nakala Fairly get a few digs in at us too! :)

    Anyway calling me a coward is just funny coming from him! he's just a creep who needs to be ignored! He will keep attacking users just to get noticed! His words dont bother me, trust me ive been called worse things than a coward! and lmao! whats the deal with calling me Kokke 22 Female lol! i'm sure i am a very pretty woman! :)

    Anyway ignore him!, block him! :)

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