
How many of you are single parents? How is that working for you? IM going to be i guess and Im frightened.

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Do you get child support?

How do you manage?

DO you work?

Please tell me your experiences.




  1. i'm a single mom of 4 (20, 12, 11, 7 mo's).  i was with my ex for 20 years and have been divorced for 4.  My youngest is with my boyfriend--but he is only around 2 nites a week.  The father of my first 3 pays me 300.00/mo child support.  My boyfriend gives me 125.00 every 2 weeks which goes straight to daycare.  I work full-time and get WIC for the baby.  I make decent money at my job, but it's not easy making ends meet.  I owe my oldest a ton of money for babysitting.  Thank goodness she understands and doesn't bug me for it because she knows she'll eventually get what is owed to  her.  

    You'll figure out a way to manage.  We're mom's.  We always manage!!  

    9x out of 10--the store brand diapers are just as good as the name brand (and a lot cheaper), same goes for baby wipes.  Hit up yard sales, thrift stores, etc for baby clothes on the cheap.  If you have family close by, lean on them whenever possible --i'm sure they will be willing to help.  Find a good support system--friends, family, church--whatever works---but find a good support system for when you are feeling down and need a pick-me-up.  

    Please don't be frightened. I know right now it's scary as H3LL and is NOT going to be easy.  But you will manage, and you'll be strong, and you will continue to amaze yourself every single day when you stop and think about all that you DO do.

    Best of luck!!  

  2. Hi Im 29 and a single mom of 2 boys, 11 and 5 months. My boyfriend and I split when I was 4 months pregnant so I experienced just about all of the pregnancy alone. That was difficult. I would see all these expectant couples walking around and it broke my heart... I even went to lamaze by myself these types of things were touchy for me... The father showed up the day I delivered our son and was talking all about "his rights" (I hadnt seen him in months) so I kicked him out of the hospital.. Anyways now he wants to be involved with his son. So he gets to visit with him every weekend and Ill call if Im near his home so he can see him. I dont have court ordered child support BUT he gives me $100 a week to pay for half the baby's daycare because I do work full time. And he buys all diapers and wipes and things like that. I found a fantastic daycare but its $800 month- be prepared for that!!!

    Me and my sons are very happy. Just remember you may have to do all the hard stuff alone, but that means you get all the good stuff to yourself too. Since he wasnt around I got to pick the name all by myself... Sweet! :) And I dont have to share him alot!! That sounds bad but when that lil baby comes home you are not going to want to let anyone else near him and if youre single you dont have to share and you can hold him all day!! Hahhaaa! Especially since I work when I get home I just want me and my boys and thats exactly how it is... Of course theres no one else to make dinner or do the dishes but we're mommies we can do it all!!

    Good Luck!!

  3. don't rely on child support, it's all based on his income, and if he doesn't work or works under the table no guarantee you will get any.  There are many dead beat dad's and mom's that don't pay their support.  You will need to work, that's what we all have to do.  It helps if you have family and friends that will work with you on watching your child for free or cheap.  If you and a friend work different shifts you can watch each others kids for free, this helps big.  You will have to learn to balance your money and needs of your child and your house.  Cut coupons, check yard sales for things you need, check with your local church or yWca to see if they have any food or diaper or formula help if you need it.  Best of luck.

  4. Hi I am a single mom of 2.  I am 24 yrs old.  I work full time, go to school part time and I am a full time mom.  I do not get child support I live with my kids father.  I know thinking about it now everything seems scary but once you have the baby everything will fall into place.  You will know what to do.  Your mom instinct will kick in and start to work.   Everything will be ok.  I will not say that it is easy but it is all worth it.

  5. I'm a single mom to one girl that's 2. It's going OK. Things are kinda hard sometimes & I don't have a ton of free time, but she's worth it. Her dad throws a few bucks my way when he feels like it. I could go & get the money taken out of his check, but I kind of like not having him around that much. I work part time & get financial aid for going to school full time. I also get WIC & Medi-Cal, which helps.

    It's not easy but it can be done. I wouldn't trade my daughter for anything.

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