
How many of you believe in <span title="ghosts,demons,vampires,psychics,etc?">ghosts,demons,vampires,ps...</span>

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If you've never seen one of these creaturers and still fear them.I'd like to know why?




  1. Good question sir.

    I think you can guess my response.

  2. i quite honestily wish i could believe in them, not so i would be scared of monsters under the closet but because theres got to be something more than just life.

  3. No. Not like Hollywood shows them.

  4. I believe that all of them exist except maybe the psychic dot dot dot. And who said anything about fearing them just because I&#039;ve encountered them?

    Fear is born out of ignorance and inexperience.

  5. Ghosts, angels and demons - yes they are well documented.

    Vampires - hollywood fiction or dark occult fanatics only

    Psychics - yes...but for every 1 natural psychic they&#039;ll be 10 scammers making a bad name for them all.

  6. yes i do and yes i&#039;ve seen them.. besides there is hard evidence to prove it,.

  7. i blieve in ghosts because wether they are good or bad they all ONCE lived on earth so who says they can&#039;t continue to live on earth? i also blieve in demons bcause of personal experiences that i don&#039;t feel comfortable explaining. vampires, i think, are a bunch of c**p. no offense to anyone who likes them. psychics...i guess they are kinda real. donno 4 sure though. hope this helped u in some way.

  8. I believe in them.  It seems the more I read about and watch the more I like the concept.  I don&#039;t know if it is just my need to believe in something other than what is in front of my eyes or what.  It is a feeling to get scared when you are in no immediate danger.  Know what I mean?

  9. I wish I did! However I can&#039;t seem to be able to convince myself. I used to believe in that sort of stuff when I was a little kid. I was happier back then when I used to believe in that stuff, it made life more exciting and magical.

  10. I definitely believe in ghosts. Or &quot;spirits&quot; on this earth, if you will.

  11. Well, I saw a news report of a man who was intending on having s*x with a woman and allowed himself to be tied down. She proceeded to cut him and drank his blood. So, vampires are out there, and they are scary.

  12. I think there are probably ghosts. But i watched this fascinating documentary on where the myth of the vampire started. Apperantly ppl got rabies and bit ppl, were pale, were out at night...was interesting lol

  13. I believe in the human experience of ghost because I have seen them and I don&#039;t dismiss written accounts of these events since the recorded history of mankind.

    I also believe that people may experience demons (or what they perceive as demons). I have never seen what I would consider a demon but again I don&#039;t dismiss people&#039;s experiences or the possibility of their existence.

    I only believe in Vampires in the sense that there are human beings that actively engage in the consumption of blood (including human). Now in fairness this is a bias as that I have not been to Romania to research the traditional tales or conducted research on this matter.

    Psychic abilities I believe in based on over a century of evidence and more recent and better controlled experiments that fail to be explained by fraud, poor controls, or statistical error. However, that said many psychics I believe are frauds or delusional and often greatly exaggerate their claimed abilities.

    I do not fear any of these creatures or people at least not anymore than I would fear a living breathing human being that was on drugs and had a gun.

  14. I do believe in ghosts &amp; spirits. Demons, I think did exist at some point in time, &amp; I suspect they still exist but in some other dimension now, or maybe on a different plane than ours I guess.

    Vampires, I don&#039;t believe in... at least not the original difination sense, with the stake and the burning in the sun &amp; the garlic &amp; the Crucifix... but I could be wrong :)

    I do sort of of fear ghosts and stuff.... but its more of a fear of the unknown than anything else :)

    I also believe that there are real Psychics, but as someone has stated above, there are quite a scammers &amp; frauds out there that give a bad name to the genuine ones...

  15. me

  16. I believe in them. Well, at least ghosts and demons. Not so sure of the psychic thing, but because of the experiences I&#039;ve had with ghosts, I can&#039;t really say no, but I&#039;m not completely sure why.

  17. hi zak

    i believe in angels, spirits, and demons, only because i have seen them.... vampires well i just think they are people who want to drink other peoples blood, or in an occult.....

    i research peoples near death experiences, depending on their deaths, what i find interesting, people who take their own lives, are always confronted by demons, only to be told by the ones that are brought back, and when they are brought back they always say, never again will i do that, by what they were confronted with (demons), they found  the whole experience quite terrifying.....people who die from an accident and then brought back, they have the blissful and loving experience and are met by loved ones..and nearly all of them, they dont want to return back to this life, but would rather want to stay there.....

    there was this one experience of a man who wanted to take his own life, so he hung himself from his back tree, and when it happened, he found himself dangling there from the tree and plenty of demons were all hanging around his feet, waiting for his soul to let go and join them, he was so terrifyed, that he refused to give in to them, only to be saved by his neibour, who cut him down...he swore he,d never try that again....thats just one case, there are thousands of them.....

  18. I am a paranormal investigator/researcher Well Ghosts i am strong believer in because i have seen them and captured E.V.P.s  + witnessed things i could never explain, Vampires and demons not so much though there is a ton of claims and stories and our team has never ran across a demonic entity on any investigation...  Psychics , mediums or the newest term is REMOTE VIEWER.... These are human/ mental abbilities and not creatures... But a Remote Viewer i have belief&#039;s in only a few i have came across who are legit...


    Lead Investigator

    T.H.E. P.R.O.S.

    Team Hunting Evidence of Paranormal Research Occurrences Society

    *please sign the guestbook*

  19. I don&#039;t believe in them. Can&#039;t fear what you don&#039;t believe in.

  20. I do not believe in ghosts, demons, vampires, psychics or anyone claiming extraordinary powers.

    If I do have a strange experience, I question it and do not try to label it even if there is no explanation.

    The human brain works on chemical and so many other levels that we don&#039;t even know that everything we label as paranormal is illusion expanded from a simple chemical reaction to something we smell, taste, intake or occur naturally for us.

    Although it may seem very real, if one person sees a ghost while standing next to another person, they feel they are psychic instead of chemically engaged.

    Not that I have not had extremely weird experience, I trust my logical senses over my guesses.

  21. I believe in ghosts, not demons, not vampires (BUT IT WOULD BE AWESOME... well according to the show Moonlight it would be...) and I kinda believe in Psychics

    I never came in contact with anyone but there is a psychic that comes on every friday on the radio... and ghosts well I just think they exsist.

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