
How many of you believe this link below is true?

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  1. i dont think so.

    first of all, GOD made us and we were not evolved.  and he made us perfectly and i dont think that we can literally reck our feet besides injuries.

  2. Yes! I'm going to give this CLOSE reading. Thanks!

  3. completely.  let's move on to a different example.  You hurt your knee, so you wear a knee brace as you come back from your rehab.  If you wear it too long, your body will start using it because your body is extremely efficient.  If it does not need to do work, it is not going to.  Over time, your knee will be weakened because of the brace.  This goes for ankle braces etc.  I work with a lot of athletes, and for some we strike a balance.  In more controlled situations (practice, etc) we get rid of the brace, and in competition wear the brace. This is in extreme conditions where the athlete has a lack of miniscus in the knee etc.

    The shoe acts a brace.  Our bodies will react to it accordingly.  I work with some athletes including professionals in which we remove the shoes for some of our warmups.  The feet take the brunt of any land workout so if we work on strengthening that, we are laying the foundation for a strong body.

    Great article!

  4. yepp..

  5. sure why not. make mine the best answers

  6. yeah

  7. Wow! Very interesting! It makes sense! I'd like to try out those weird shoes they mention near the end...I definitely couldn't go barefoot though, think about all the nasty things you step in, that you don't even notice! Cool, thanks for sharing!

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