
How many of you co-sleep with your babies/kids?

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How many of you co-sleep with your babies/kids?




  1. My baby is due any day now, and I will have to co-sleep.  I rent a room, and there is simply no other place to put him.  I hope to be able to afford to move in the next year, but until I am able to do so, he'll have to sleep with me.  

  2. I still do and shes 19 months old. Im sure ill get plenty of thumbs down but its what is right for our family. My husband and I love it and my doctor is ok with it. She spends half the night in her bed until she wakes up and then joins us in our bed.

    EDIT- oh and btw SIDS is reduced when you do co-sleeping. Just a few sites below

  3. This question is going to get a lot of people up in arms. I have never co-sleeped with my children on a consistent basis. Our daughter is 16 months old and  she sleeps with us when is sick, but that's only because she is little and it's easier to get to her in the middle of the night if she needs something. When she gets older it won't be happening.

  4. We co-slept and still do some times.  Whatever gets everyone a good night's sleep is fine with us.  

  5. I'm not a mother, but when I was a little girl I loved sleeping with my parents. I used to have a bunch of nightmares and I'd always crawl in with them, I think it's perfectly normal. And I have weird memories of being a baby/toddler and laying in bed with my parents while they read and got ready for bed. If I did have a child, I'd have no problem sleeping with them.

  6. I never let my kid co-sleep with me , that is dangerous for a infant or newborn. It has also been associated with SIDS. Personally I do not think that it hinders a childs Independence.

  7. I do:D

    And I love it!!!

    My whole family is for it except my dads mom, but I don't care either way.

    It helps me get more sleep then I would if she was in a different room!

  8. Well I slept with my daughter till she was 9 yrs. she is 13 now.My son is 7, and not every night but most nights he gets in bed with us. I don't mind cause I know he is scared. But if you could avoid it you might want to while they are small. Only because some of them kick you and turn sideways(my son) and it can get real hard. Although I do not tell him he can't if he wants. He will get old enough and be embarrassed by it,and then he will quit.And I soak up anytime I can get.Our lives are like whisper of smoke. It goes away quickly.  But my sister just don't like it at all. She wants everyone in their own beds.

  9. I did and I will with any more that I have. My daughter slept in my bed for a bout 5 months. Then she slept beside our bed til she was 18 mos. After that she moved into her own room quite happily. With my son he slept with me until her was 2 then he got the toddler bed in our room and moved to his own room when he was 3 and has been there ever since. Neither one of my kids do the come out of their room routine that people assume will happen if you let them sleep with you. They keep asking if they can sleep with the new baby. They don't think it' s fair that I get to. I get way more sleep that if I get up to nurse on the couch. Just latch baby on and back to sleep I go. =)

  10. I did with my first one until he was about 5 months old (I know, horrible...) At that age he moved around a lot in his sleep which was my cue to move him to the crib so I could get some sleep.  With #2, I'm planning on getting a bassinet or something small to have in the bedroom (which we didn't do w/ #1) so I can have them within arm's reach but not sharing the bed.  

  11. wow i think this has been asked a million times today! LOL and it is a hot topic!!

    I do not, never have.I would not sleep well with my son in bed with me and I enjoy the time alone with my husband.

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