
How many of you do CYCLING regularly? i am planning to reach my COLLGE and WUSHU class through CYCLE?

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what are the health benefits of cycling?

how many of you do cycling regularly?

i had taken admission in wushu classes,that is 4 km from my home,so i am planning to reach wushu martial art class through cycle

i had taken admission in philosophy honors also,my collge is 5 km from my home,so i am planning to reach there by cycle too

please advice me,i am thin,if i will do cycling and will eat healthy diet like banana shake,non veg,por meat than my health will improve

give your answers in points like







god bless you all




  1. i think biking to those places is great! i cycle lots...but then again im 13 so i really dont have any other form of transportation.

  2. 1 I bike regularly

    2 I go about 16-30 miles a day

    3 I commute and go to the supermarket and do all my chores on a bike

    4 It tones your butt, thighs, and calfs, and eventually the rest of your body.

    5 It makes your heart healthy

    6 Make sure to eat some type of protein or sugar before bicycling or you wont have the energy to get through the ride

    7 Just have fun and wear a helmet if you want to be safe and not die.

  3. 1:  How many of you do CYCLING regularly?

    - I'm 25 and ride practically everywhere.  To work, to training, to my Girl Guide Group.  

    2:  what are the health benefits of cycling?

    - Increases your muscle bulk on your legs.  Tones your ****, you'll end up with DEAD s**y legs.  It REALLY gets the heart pumping, you'll lose weight and increase your metabolic rate which means you'll be able to burn fat more readily.  It'll increase your lung capacity and leg strengh

    3:  how many of you do cycling regularly?

    - Me.  I cycle every workday.  4km each way.  When training is in the mix I can cycle up to 100km in one hit now.  

    4:  i had taken admission in wushu classes,that is 4 km from my home,so i am planning to reach wushu martial art class through cycle

    -  You'll get there no problems.  Start slow.  Pick a route where there is not much traffic or pedestrians and you'll get there

    5:  i had taken admission in philosophy honors also,my collge is 5 km from my home,so i am planning to reach there by cycle too

    - Make sure you take a padlock and take spare clothes and deodourant in the summer.  And ALWAYS wear a helmet

    6:  please advice me,i am thin,if i will do cycling and will eat healthy diet like banana shake,non veg,por meat than my health will improve

    -  I've always been thin too.  You'll find you'll need to eat more once you increase your pysical activity.  just make sure you just eat more healthy stuff rather than chips.  Also you'll be STRONGER rather than just thin.  So don't be suprised if your skinny leg jeans don't fit any more.

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