
How many of you enjoy days on the couch watching TV?

by  |  earlier

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don't get me wrong I like to hang out with my friends, have opportunities to do so everyday, but i'm the type of person who could enjoy a day staying in alone or with a gf relaxing

anyone else like this?




  1. My husband does for one.I don't mind once in awhile.

    He as planted himself in front of the tv for the Olympic games, over tommorrow so I will be glad then.

    too much of a good thing is no good either.

  2. I think a day on the couch watching stupid tv or reading a book is good for everyone.  I try to get a couple totally wasted days in every month.  I am a happy & successful person.  However, all of us need some down time.  I totally agree that relaxing all alone is AWESOME!!!

  3. me!

    i like sitting there but sometimes it gets a little boring when i run out of thigns to watch. lol

  4. I love to sit around and watch tv,read,video games etc every now and then. but if i do it too much it gets boring.

  5. i completely an utterly enjoy sitting on the couch and watching tv!

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