
How many of you feel that the disney channel is a bad influence on today's youth?

by Guest64599  |  earlier

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How many of you feel that the disney channel is a bad influence on today's youth?




  1. People will probably think I am crazy for saying this but, I think even Disney movies are evolving into something we don't want our children to see.

    Let us take a look at Snow White from the first full animated feature by Disney :

    She looks like a "pretty" cartoon character, no definite shape, naive, sweet, etc.

    Now look at Jasmine from Aladdin which was made 55 years later:

    She looks like a p**n star in cartoon version. Thin waist, big b***s, definite hips, etc.

    It is just another way to sneak in the message to our little girls that they have to have the "perfect" body. I'm sure you know that a lot of little girls love the Disney Princesses:

    You can see the transition yourself from Snow White and Cinderella to Jasmine and Belle.

    We can all say that these are just innocent movies to watch for fun. But, at what cost? Cartoon characters aren't even innocent anymore.

  2. If you mean the disney channel actors/actresses than yes, they all suck .

  3. yeah they do

    they are more for teenagers

    and even the animated things and some other stuff are really depressing

  4. I just feel it spreads lots of stupidity on children is all.  

  5. Yes....What happened to Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck and Tale Spin???

  6. Only if the parents don't monitor what the child is watching. There are good mixed in with the bad. Don't think watching simple Disney cartoon is going to mess up a kid. Know what you kids watch and its not an issue.

  7. Yes! I'm only a kid, but I'm ahead on my years, so I know that it's a bad influence. My little niece watches all that, and it's no good, I can see that clearly. She's so easily influenced, and that's a bad influence. It sends out the wrong messages to all young children while at the same time giving out crappy programs anyway!

  8. O my gosh I'm sorry but you people are so STUPID! first of all britteny spears isnt in a tv show and second her little sister is on the channel nikelodian! third it never shows miley cyru's breast my daughter has watched every episode and we are a good christan family that keeps a close eye on what our kids watch!  And yes one or two times their has been a bra in a tv show i will admit that but it wasnt used in a meen or harmful way.  I really dont see what your problem is with disney cartoon network is something to watch a little closer but out of the three main kid channels (nick,disney,cartoon network) disney is the safest their is nothing wrong with any of the shows they have some very good lessons and are not that bad and i want you parents to know one thing I have nothing wrong with you protecting your kids but the longer you protect them from the world the 1 harder its going to learn and understand later in life and 2 will be picked on more by other kids.(excuse my spelling I was typing very fast)

  9. count me in! look at brittney spears and her little sister, enough said!

  10. miley cyrus and other people like vanessa hudgens have made bad mistakes..;...

  11. how, I like the shows

  12. yeah it is horrrrrible

  13. yeah a lot of the shows are a little too grown up

  14. i dont think so

  15. I think the hair makeup and outfits are a little to grown up. Why is there lines of make up for kids? Why do I have to buy $100 pocketbooks for a 12yr old because she wants the bag Miley had in the mag.....thats all I are growing up faster than ever and

    I blame these kid shows because they begin to idolize materalistic showy s****. kids.

  16. its definitely not...They may be cheesy, but they teach good moral lessons.  

  17. I DO!!

    It has little to do about being too grown up, but more to do with control.

  18. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are secret p**n stars and Daisy Duck is starring in an adult rated movie. The others well I won't even mention what they are into as will worry you sick. OH please pull the other one.

  19. I totally agree! They said "the b word" on Wizards of Waverly Place! Theyve also shown parts of Miley Cyruses b*****s, (mopst likely accidental but still!! and they showed and actual womans bra! kids these days shouldnt be watching that stuff!!!!!!

  20. i think disney is a wimp that produces bad seeds

  21. My fourteen year old daughter was watching Life With Derek and when I came in the room. They were talking about getting rid of and old couch and Derek replied to his sister Casey (if that is her name): "We can't get rid of that old couch that is how I found out a girl was different from a guy." Meaning they had s*x on that couch?! I'm not sure but I found it utterly disturbing and I'm sure my daughter was thinking of s*x too because it's probably all she thinks about anyways with those hormones raging and stuff. But seriously when I heard that I was just in utter shock.

  22. i think some of the shows are

    because i dont think that 10 year olds

    should be dating and most of the children

    on the disney channel do and things like that

    and some of the shows teach

    wrong ideas to children.

  23. I think the "Acting" sucks

    The story lines are lame and the mentality is retarded.

    I think it is another example of the dumbing down of America

    and the only people

    "entertained" by it are mouth breathing morons who don't have the ability to turn the channel b/c they are to busy stuffing their little piggy mouths.

    Hows that


    Oh and they tend to be bereft of any "real" cultural education in the Arts

  24. its cute and sweet and all, but truly it might teach kids that everything is perfectly fine in this world, and nothing horrible can happen...for instance hannah montana...i mean she has had so much success...but really its "one in a million" to become a rockstar like that... kids don't really realize how hard it is to actually get into the entertainment bizz...maybe im being too harsh on disney, but i really think they need to share some of the world's problems today, and put it in episodes...

  25. Walt Disney created Disney to create cartoons and make kids happy Disney Channel ruined his dream  

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