
How many of you felt like their period is coming when they were actually pregnant????????????

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For the past three days i have felt very light cramping that go away in a few minutes, lower backaches and i could feel my period coming but nothing!!!!! No period!!!! I am due for today. Can this be a sign of pregnancy?




  1. it could be either your period starting or pregnancy, I'm 5 weeks and i still feel like I'm getting my period with mild cramps ect

  2. It sure could be. I got cramping for about a good week before my period was due but no period. Then after getting it about a week after that, I tested a got a positive!

  3. That could be a sign of pregnancy, yes. I was 3 days late and kept feeling like I was going to start so I didn't want to waste my money on a test and be let down..but I started thinking maybe I really am pregnant and I was.

  4. It can be (I had period- like cramping before I found out I was pregnant with #1) - but it can also be a sign of lots of other things. It could actually BE your period coming. It could be stress. Maybe your back aches because you lifted something wrong, or too heavy. Who knows. You are due today, so don't get ahead of yourself yet. If you don't get your period today, then just take a pregnancy test tomorrow.

  5. yeah i had period like symptoms but never got my period.  like cramping and backaches

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