
How many of you girls step on garden pest if so what kind and how often.?

by Guest65490  |  earlier

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How many of you girls step on garden pest if so what kind and how often.?




  1. Garden pests like spiders, snakes, toads, and frogs?  Or garden pests like neighborhood trespassing teenagers?

    I let the spiders, snakes, and toads live.  I squirt the trespassers with a water hose.

  2. i consider myself a sweet babe and do not have a mean bone in my body

    these "pest" 'are alive and to delibrately take thier life fo my own amusement is not in my nature

    only by accident , but intentionally never

    well once the hornet in my room that had stung my lip'

    he got swated with a paper

    now if we could only think of something to do with the asl pests  lmao

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