
How many of you got married young and how did it go for you?

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I got married when I was 18 and had a baby at 19. I'm 20 now still married and just curious to see how it has worked for others.




  1. Got married when I was 21 and my wife was 17. She still had to finish her senior year in high school.

    That was 22 years ago on June 14th.

    We didn't however have our first child until we had been married 8 years.

    Some times it was tough, especially when I forgot that I should be complimenting her and telling her I loved her frequently.

    Like most men, I didn't realize that women needed ALL of that attention. Now I never let a day go by that I don't tell her that I love her or tell her how beautiful I think she is.

    Regardless of tough times, never forget or let him forget why you got married in the first place!  Never walk out on an argument. Make him talk to you and you talk to him.

    Never hide anything from each other. You have to be open books or trust goes out the window!

    Good Luck!

  2. I got married after I turned 24 and believe it or not I feel I was young! not that I regret it but we can't skip stages in life, when you're a teen you need to do normal things teens do, dating, going out with friends. Now I've been a wife for 3 years, I'm just getting ready to be a mom, I could not get married and have a baby right away, is like missing all the fun  and joy being a wife brings!

  3. my first husband and i were both 17, we were too young to marry.neither of us had any idea on how hard it would be financially.we both had expectations and were immature, so the marriage ended, with him cheating.we were married and having children when we were still basically teenagers,  and should have been growing up.

  4. I am 22, got married at 19. We have a 5 month old baby girl. Things are going great!

  5. i would also like to know these answers i am 18 lookin to get married in the next year  

  6. my mother and father were married when they were 20, they were married 70 years....I was married at 21, and have been married 33 years....

  7. well others experiences with marriage may and will vary as mine i was married at 19 and divorce at 22 not of my own fault she cheated on me and the reason was because i worked to much but then i tried to provide the life she lived..." a champaign taste on a beer budget" just wasn't cutting it so i took all the extra hours i could get, well my life is wonderful and great i have nice things and bank accounts, although the down fall is i'm single but i am doing just fine and she is now on her 4th marriage and not doing so well.

  8. Well, My first marriage don't go so well. I have four children from the marriage and we still can't see eye to eye. My second marriage is a blessing. We are best friends and we do everything together. You have to become one . You can't let the devil in your marriage and you have to talk. Good luck.

  9. I got married at 17....I'm now 28 & were still together. I love him more now than I ever have, it just keeps getting better. I wouldn't change anything at all!....good luck:)

  10. That's so cute.  I wish I could get married young.  My boyfriend isn't into that idea tho :(

  11. Well i got married at 18-had a baby at 19-now im 22 and divorced. again i was young and thought i knew what i wanted-when i should've listened to everyone else. i guess it was a rough time in my life-but i have grown and learned from it and wouldnt take my precious girl back for nothing-it helped me in figuring out what i needed in life-and now i am with someone who is my life-so im happy. cant say the same for everyone else though. hope all goes well with you and your family.  

  12. I got married at 22. To you that might not be considered that young, but believe me it is. I think that it was too young, but not everyone is the same.

    Best Wishes

  13. I got married at 17, had my 1st at 18, 2nd at 20 and 3rd at 26. He beat me one too many times, so I left him after 16 years. (he is 11 years older than me)

  14. Married when I was 19 after knowing eachother only for eight months and we have been married for over eight years.  

  15. Met my wife when I was 18.  She was 19.  We married when I was 23 and she was 24 and here we are 37/38 now (almost 14yrs later) and were still married, but were having some rocky times.  I've almost called it quits twice, but we have two children, ages 8 & 4 and I just can't cut the ties.  

    I feel that I got settled down with a women too early in life and didn't date enough when I was younger, so I do regret the decisions I made in my early 20s

  16. I got married two months before my 21st birthday. On paper, that marriage lasted five years; it started unraveling around year two.

    Some people are more mature than others. I thought I was. I was wrong.

    Got married again at 28, after establishing a career and financial independence. (I also had "grown up" considerably.) The difference was huge!

  17. I was 15 and now I am 28 we are still happy.

  18. Graduated at 17 in June, turned 18 in July and married in Oct. and had my first child at 20.  Husband ended up bi polar and we divorced 2 months short of 7 yrs and three kids later.  I don't advise getting married that young to anyone.  I'm in my 50's now and still wanting the care free life and fun I missed out on at 18!  After raising my kids I had my parents to care for.  You just never know what life is going to throw your way!  Have fun while you are young and can when you only have yourself to care for!!

  19. Well i dont know if this is considered young but i was 22 when my husband and i got married and everything has worked out great.

    We have been happily married 17+yrs.

    He was 26 when we got married.

  20. married at 20 divorced at 25 1 child, her father immeadiatly remarried, she told him he doesnt pay enough child support and made him increase.. I love her, she treats my daughter like her own, but knows her bounderies, I am 38 and just remarried this last april, Had lots of bad relationships in between, and 2 more children. Young didnt work for me, but for others it may.. good luck.

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