
How many of you guys and gals plan to remain childless?

by  |  earlier

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Are any of you planning on not having any children, by choice?





  1. i haven't really thought much of the topic but if one were to have a child they'd need lots of time and dedication. some dont want to drag around a child and entertain day and night, others don't mind.

  2. It  seems God and or Science (whether you believe in religion or evolution or both) plans for me to remain childless.

  3. um, this is pregnacy and parenting.

    perhaps this is the wrong catagory

  4. I did then i got pregant with my daughter and she is the best thing that ever happened to me.

  5. hey don't worry about others if u wish to remain childless for some more years you just do it!

    always feel it is correct what ur brain thinks and u do it fearlessly!

  6. I've never been interested in having kids, but since I'm a guy I'd also have to get someone else to cooperate and generally I can't even get a lunch date.

  7. i feel like if i had kids. it'd be too hard to have to help them through all the c**p that i have to go through now. so it's like, i wanna spare them from this. i dont wanna bring somebody into this world because i cant promise them happiness. sometimes, i think it's kind of selfish to have kids. i'm not sure why. i'm probably gonna end up having kids. but i'm pretty sure i'm gonna hate it at first.

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