
How many of you guys believe in astrology?

by  |  earlier

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do you think its really worth believing in and wasting your time on




  1. just waste of time.

  2. I dont really

  3. well dear if u have belive in god than u have too belive in astrology also.... coz. if u have see a haed side on a coin than on the other side its a tail also... so, its a life mistery games .....and deep know...

  4. Its a waste of time if you don't know how to use it. There are many intelligent tools to understand human character , this one is just one of them. No tool is bad, its the knowledge of one who uses it which can be termed as good or bad.

  5. It's a ridiculous waste of time...

  6. No.  It's not.

  7. As far as I know, the Yahoo! horoscopes are usually very accurate in my case. Sometimes it even freaks me out just how accurate they are! So you see, it works for me. :)

  8. I do sometimes.

  9. not a believer

  10. 156

  11. Not at all, all they do is tell you general information that could apply to anybody.

  12. i don't really!

  13. kind of. but you have to try and fit the prediction into your life

  14. waste of time learn about Yahweh instead

  15. i dont believe in astrology.

    what is gonna happen will happen even ur astrology did not say so

  16. I dont know abt others. but I dont believe.

  17. i read my star sign when i see it but i dont go and look for it and its always interesting and sometimes comes true

  18. ofcours its wasting of time

    astrology is something for time pass

    all our past , present , future is in the hand of Allah no one can say what will happen in future its all Allah's work

    thoes who believe in astrology they are foolish.       ;)

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