
How many of you guys plan to have a man-shower before the wedding? Male bridesmaids for her OK with you?

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"Showers geared to grooms are a growing trend in the wedding industry...Men who have grown accustomed to attending co-ed showers with their wives and girlfriends in recent years now find guys-only parties an acceptable rite of passage...The parties are a natural progression of the grooms' increased involvement in wedding planning

It's another example of grooms leaving their stereotypical roles behind, she said, noting that male bridesmaids and female groomsmen are becoming more common.

His friends recently organized a "man gathering" to help him celebrate his wife's pregnancy. During Elizabeth Dekker's baby shower, Nick Dekker and his buddies ate pizza and played video games.

Members of the Dekker family normally shower grooms-to-be with tools and gadgets at parties they've dubbed "man gatherings."




  1. Ok "man showers" are stupid.  h**l I hate regular showers!  It just all seems like a big money grab to me, especially in this day and age.  

    It was different when people left their mom and dad and moved into the marital home and they truly needed to set up house keeping but that's not regularly the case anymore.  As often as not everything is registered and it's not a case of setting up house and you can buy the young lady a toaster or a coffee maker, she's already got one, now she wants the high end, stainless $200 toaster or designer towels at $25 a piece.

    I much prefer the stag or stagette where you get together with friends and family and just celebrate the upcoming nuptials.  There may be a wishing well or some type of fund-raising games so everyone can give but doesn't force them to give beyond their means.

    Baby showers are a bit different but even those I find that new moms are becoming really greedy and competitive ...only Baby Gap will do .... jeepers the child is going to barf on it, poo on it, pee on it, etc.  what the heck is wrong with Walmart????  Back to "Man Showers"....only for babies and we call them Pamper Parties where again it's a stag type setting to congratulate the dad on his up coming fatherhood and admission is a package of diapers because that's what the couple is going NEED not some foofy c**p to show off to the neighbours.

  2. Its a sad pathetic generation we are raising of sissy boys that can't stand on their own. An don't have the testicular fortitude to be a man an not do whatever their woman asked.

  3. ... Ok, "man-showers" for men with pregnant wives/girlfriend I understand, but isn't a "man-shower" before a wedding a stag night? Which I think pre-dated the hen parrty?

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